
I am seriously considering re-doing my books in the "The Circle" series...


Hey Adorkables.
          For those of you who live in Hurricane/Typhoon areas, know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am still working on my projects, and I hope that after my move, I can really put in some work.
          Blessings to you all.


I'm beginning to wonder if anyone really wants to read any of my stories anymore. I get that people have lives and that they are focusing on that. But when I am constantly seeing others having thousands of followers and thousands of reads and I can barely get 10 reads...well it's starting to make me think about walking away from all my writing.


Hey everyone! So I'm about to create a new story that will exclusively be on Patreon. So if you want to read it, head on over to my page: patreon.com/Floessence. I have a $2 tier as my lowest right now. And I'm thinking of starting a limited $1 tier soon.


I'm still trying to grapple with the reality of Moonbin not being on this plane anymore. And I'm so sad because he tried to cry out for help, but like so many times before him, no one was really listening. But my heart and prayers go out to his family, his group brothers, friends, and fellow AROHAS.
          If any of you are struggling with mental anguish, or depression, or needing someone to just listen as you pour out your heart, there is hope out there.  Please reach out before it's too late.
          https://988lifeline.org/ or dial 988 24/7/365.
          I love you all, I'm here with an open ear, and God Bless.


So I noticed that there are a few people who I used to talk to all the time, and we have gotten away from that. I understand that life gets in the way of what we REALLY want to, but I wanted all my followers and friends to know I appreciate you and I miss our talks. I pray that 2023 is an awesome and good year for you all.