
hi luvlies!! I forgot to mention that 4.17 of tortoise and Fox released yesterday!! <3 
          	go take a gander or even start binging the story~ we’re almost to the end! it’s a perfect time to begin :3
          	anyways that’s all see you next week,


hi luvlies!! I forgot to mention that 4.17 of tortoise and Fox released yesterday!! <3 
          go take a gander or even start binging the story~ we’re almost to the end! it’s a perfect time to begin :3
          anyways that’s all see you next week,


hi luvlies! 
          i have returned from hiatus with chapter 4.13 of Tortoise and Fox! the next few chapters have been written and just need to be edited <3. Thank you for your patience~ we are almost to the end of this long, long journey. 
          ok bye!


Taking a brief hiatus to focus on my studies!! I will return shortly. Perhaps another week or two!! 


@ginannjen26 this was a really sweet message to see!!  I recently hit a writers block, so I haven’t updated in a while. I’ll send an update out once I finish the next chapter, but I can’t promise anything ^^. I aim to be finished the series up in the next few months though.


@FloofyLove Any updates of T & F? Hope your studies are going well.


Chapter 4.10 of Tortoise and Fox has released !!!! Yay for Fridays!! <333
          I also found out I accidentally double released a chapter like two weeks ago, hahah. Oopsssss, that’s why I miscounted earlier in my announcements !