
Must use this invitation code : 2923812
          	Me, inviting you to join this application Cashzine to earn money by coins! When you read and share you will get the coins! Gotcha, easy! Just need more patient and effort. Join this for FREE! Redeem coins and get the money to your account bank. 
          	This is not the scammer! Many people already do it and its work! Getting RM10-RM50 in a day. Its true! Most highest earning is RM500 in a day! 
          	You can get more  information about this application from youtube, instagram and so on. Try it! Download CASHZINE in Google play store for android and IOS.
          	Use this invitation code : 2923812 to get 8000 coins.
          	Step to join :
          	✏ Install application.
          	✏ Sign up for first time user.
          	✏ Put code 2923812 at the invitation code space to get extra 8000 coins.
          	✏ Start collecting coins and redeem cash.


Must use this invitation code : 2923812
          Me, inviting you to join this application Cashzine to earn money by coins! When you read and share you will get the coins! Gotcha, easy! Just need more patient and effort. Join this for FREE! Redeem coins and get the money to your account bank. 
          This is not the scammer! Many people already do it and its work! Getting RM10-RM50 in a day. Its true! Most highest earning is RM500 in a day! 
          You can get more  information about this application from youtube, instagram and so on. Try it! Download CASHZINE in Google play store for android and IOS.
          Use this invitation code : 2923812 to get 8000 coins.
          Step to join :
          ✏ Install application.
          ✏ Sign up for first time user.
          ✏ Put code 2923812 at the invitation code space to get extra 8000 coins.
          ✏ Start collecting coins and redeem cash.


HAII, TOLONG PROMOT NOVEL SAYA BLEH? ADA 8 BUAH BUKU. author baikkkkkk kan? Comel kan? Terima kasih!!!! Tolong promot dekat semua buah buku author yaa. Saya peminat author! LOVE U!!!!!! :3


@SoulClam__  sorry bru bls. Author busy skit skrg ni, exam nak dekat semua dah. Nanti ada msa author promote okayyy? Thnks  sokong cerita author. MUAH!!


@SoulClam__ aku bosan sbenarnyaa! Tak pasal japgi ad org cop aku gila pulk! HAHHAHAHAHA


Okay semua, disini saya nak buat satu review. Apa yang saya belajar di G2C adalah saya belajar begitu banyak benda yang saya sendiri tak pernah belajar sebelum ni. Banyak sangat, actually. Perkembangan yang sedar adalah penulisan saya semakin membaik dari sebelum ni. Tanda baca semua saya dapat perbaiki. Perasaan saya adalah of course saya gembira. Harapan saya adalah, saya berharap agar G2C akan lebih berkembang  didalam dunia wattpad mahupun luar dan semua bakal ketahui tentang grup yang hebat ni. Sebenarnya semua ahli grup ni saya sayang, yang paling saya suka adalah Alia dan orang yang banyak membantu of course Mami Indah. Dan atas sebab itu saya nak ucapkan sebesar-besar terima kasih kepada Mami sebab sanggup ajar kitorang, thanks mami. Suka duka sepanjang dalam ni banyak. Yang suka banyak lah. Duka rasanya takde. Siapa tun Indah? Dah macam family sendiri, i love u mami. HAHAHA. OK semua jadi apalagi jum sama sama kita follow official G2C @DiamondG2C untuk ketahui tentang grup ni lebih lagi. JOM! TAK RUGI PAPEPUN HOHOHO!