
Hi! I’m sorry to bother you but it would mean the world to me if you check out my books! Please don’t think I’m a shallow person who just wants reads, I actually want to become a better writer since I’m still young, so it would be nice if you could read my poetry book Astrophile or one that interests you more and give me constructive criticism ❤️
          I’m sorry again as well for wasting your time
          Have a great day/night
          Love Rose❤️


Hi rose, no I don’t think you’re shallow, I actually took a look at your book midnight tears and I think your poetry is really beautiful and holds a ring of truth to it. I like how you construct your stanzas and think it looks really good but for me personally I like to make my word choices more flowing and flowery but that again is me personally but I really like your poetry it’s beautiful and I think you should definitely write more 