
Hello lovelys, i have sad news again. My book got taken down yet again. But fugg that because i am not giving up. I’m getting it back up again and I’ll go again. I really am sorry, my heart is literally shattered. 


@Robinlover0102 I know my love, I feel the exact same way 


Hello lovelys, i have sad news again. My book got taken down yet again. But fugg that because i am not giving up. I’m getting it back up again and I’ll go again. I really am sorry, my heart is literally shattered. 


@Robinlover0102 I know my love, I feel the exact same way 


Hey loves, I have some devastating news. So basically my boo "The Art of Desire" had gotten taken down and I have to start back from base one again. So it may take a while for me to get back up and start updating again. Again I am very sorry that something like this happened and I am really upset about it. Nevertheless I am not giving up and I promise to try my best to get the book back and revamped new. 


Thank you for your positive words luv


I’m sorry to hear that but try your best to think positively this gives you time to improve and possibly make the book even better than already was ..if possible lol 


Hey my loves, first of all, I wanted to apologise to all of my readers who were always so very supportive of my book and my writing. I want to say that I am very grateful to all of you guys for giving me a chance and my book a chance. I’m sorry for not updating for a long time. My Wattpad had some issues then I kind of got lost with everything in my life. I will update by tonight. A special thanks to Charone for always being with me ❤️


Hi there sweets! Thank you for your honest feedback on chapter 16. After some serious thinking it made sense to me on how Victoria's actions were weird. But lets take that as a mistake. She made a mistake. I'll try to bring the story back to the track and hopefully you guys enjoy the story following. Currently i'm in a situation where I can't update as there's some problem with my personal life. I'll try my best to get another update up! Oh and btw sweets, do not ever hesitate to give me your true opinion on the chapter, even if it sounds a little harsh, go right ahead. Because with your comments is how I can move towards my improvement. That is all from me! And i apologize for the oddness of chapter 16


Alright, luv, thank you for your honest opinion. Well now that you mentioned that you can’t see it as a mistake, would you wanna tell me what you would have done if you were the one in my shoes and writing the chapter? Maybe it might help me out a little with figuring how to satisfy/solve chapter 16 out. 


But I can’t see it as mistake because I didn’t really feel like I was even reading about her honestly that chapter through me for a loop she never striked me as the person that would let someone touch her sexually that she wasn’t into romantically she’s been giving that impression the whole book until this chapter And wills attraction for her seemed out of nowhere and it was a little weird considering we’ve only seen him treat her as a little sister  and I was kinda like what? And I was expecting the 3some in the future Considering this will eventually take place in kill switch but I never expected this…tbh I didn’t rlly love it and while reading this chapter I felt like I was reading a whole different book or she was a completely different character or was possibly even Rika because that’s how she acts sorta and then with Michael inappropriately touching her she freaked out before she found out it was him but then after finding out it was him she was just like oh OK but there. Clearly been mentions of trauma inflicted by our father so I still feel like she be a little freaked out by him. 
            This was how I was personally feeling I’ve loved every single other chapter of this book probably one of my favourite doubles night looks on here but this chapter I’m not really sure what to say about it and I’m starting to notice a little bit of a pattern with devil knight Siri books where the main character does things totally out of character sexuality or personality wise and that’s why I really love this book because she was sticking to character so I like thinking of chapter 16 as a filler or a special chapter that has nothing to do with the original plot line this was my brutal honest opinion with all respect.