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Do you ever get that one thing- where your head is completely stuck, and you're just obsessing, and feel trapped in so many different fandoms that you don't know what the fuck to write about.
          	Then you realise you have a very popular book that you should probably continue, but you've gone back to a movie series, with the world's best fucking dystopian fanon couple, and THE HOTTEST ACTORS- that you simply can't go back to what you were writing, and you just want to do something to quell the obsession but its really just stuck in your head, and now you wanna purchase every single thing and watch every tiktok, video, fan-made anything to do with said series and ship?
          	Then just, maybe multiply it across like, 2 other fandoms (both anime) 
          	Yeah help.


@MhmOkayIdc T-T I am so sorry 
          	  but, glad to know it isn't just me >-<


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Do you ever get that one thing- where your head is completely stuck, and you're just obsessing, and feel trapped in so many different fandoms that you don't know what the fuck to write about.
          Then you realise you have a very popular book that you should probably continue, but you've gone back to a movie series, with the world's best fucking dystopian fanon couple, and THE HOTTEST ACTORS- that you simply can't go back to what you were writing, and you just want to do something to quell the obsession but its really just stuck in your head, and now you wanna purchase every single thing and watch every tiktok, video, fan-made anything to do with said series and ship?
          Then just, maybe multiply it across like, 2 other fandoms (both anime) 
          Yeah help.


@MhmOkayIdc T-T I am so sorry 
            but, glad to know it isn't just me >-<


          I finally just published a long-awaited chapter of my most popular fic... T^T
           I am so sorry for the wait everybody, I can promise you it wasn't intentional, I've just been having a hard time with my life, and I've been burned off by a couple people, people I really loved, and a girl I got together with, who broke it off with me over text. 
          As you can imagine, I'm very hurt right now, the feelings are so raw, and.. When you're dealing with a book, quite literally about love, and I mean- even if it is toxic, or fictional, it still hurts, especially to write it, because so much is just a painful reminder of her, and it really sucks. 
          So, she's left me, and.. Well, now nearly the whole friend group her and I were in, has turned on me, including her best friend, who I sort of treated like my own best friend, she just betrayed me before I could even blink twice, so. My emotions are certainly all over the place, and scrambled like you'd never know.
          On top of that, I'm dealing with 2 jobs, and working one, in a high-stress environment. So It's a bit tricky getting through the days, especially when I have a trigger that reminds me of my ex, it doesn't help at all. 
          It's happened twice now, and really makes me feel like there is seriously something wrong with me. 
          Either way, I really hope the chapter reads okay, and I hope that despite my own dilemma, everybody else is doing wonderfully. I love you all, thank you for reading this little vent of mine (and I'm sorry for pouring this on you T-T
          I just felt it fair to explain the situation for anybody wondering, or holding a grudge ಥ‿ಥ) 
          Ily guys ❁⊱


@Vincent_Asterson Aha thank you ^^ <3
            After a couple months of grieving, and taking a step back from my writing I think I've certainly been doing a lot better. Learned that I really don't need assholes in my life, and I'll be happy to finish my senior years in school.
            But thank you for the motivation! I've recently lost a little bit of essence in my previous style of writing, from my little hiatus to try and take care of myself and take a breather, if it weren't noticeable in my recently published chapter or two, but I'm trying to find it again and I promise you that I have every intention of finishing this fanfic, as it's created such an amazing fanbase (hoping they can bear with me). 
            I'm more than happy to get back into writing, and I'm trying my best. ♥
            Your comments definitely made me smile, and gave me a bit of a reassuring, friendly nudge. Thank you so much. ❥


@Floridescentroses i would love to read more chapters. I really like your writing so please never stop


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Ohh dear lord help me, I've indebtedly engrossed myself in fiction through movies and books, because I'm screaming for an escape from reality right now, like.. 
          God, fairy-tale/fantasy based books and movies just hit different under like a, sad-mood; a rainy, cloudy night, no stars visible, the moon hardly showing through the silvery shrouds of mist, while you're sunken in a couch, alone, with nothing but the dim light overhead, your own solemn ache of your heart reflecting the shady shadows scattered around the cosy, lonely room, engulfing the walls in darkness- 
          help me, I could write fucking- fictional, mind-boggling bittersweet moments in the form of poetry under candlelight every day for the rest of my life if I could T-T


@Floridescentroses I get random book quotes in my feed and they are so.... Like idk how to tell but nice to read? 
            My pinterest boards are full of them lol


@SumireInuzuka  What books are we talking here??
            And true, true- unless you have spotify premium 


@Floridescentroses reading the quotes on pinterest from these books while listening to soft lofi music hits different
            Unless the ads decide to butt in :)


Okay don't mind me- I've just posted a new chapter of the infamous fic of mine. 
          I'm wanting to write angst, because I'm in an angsty mood, so, if given the choice. 
          If I were to make a new fic- (oh god, I know) 
          So, if this fic were Genshin based.. Which would you guys prefer to read?
          A type of, futuristic zombie apocalypse, or what I mark as, a kind of.. Second cataclysm in Teyvat? So almost like a repeat of the archon war, except. A wipeout of humanity? The world in which its set will be based off, very modern and futuristic technology. There would include a couple different ships, and some canon/theorised Khaenri'ahn lore. I have a bit of an idea for it, basing a bit of a loose concept around the series 'The Maze Runner' if anybody's familiar with that? 
          Or, would you prefer a Vampire au, which is maybe a little modern, not so modern as to be set far into the future as I'd like the other one, but, sort of a present modern touch. I'd probably throw in a bit of angst and action. There could be an organisation on the hunt for these so-called monsters known as 'vampires' or, I could just kind of pump out a first chapter, and see where I take it from there? I know I wanna add more of a romance genre, which would certainly differ from an, 'end of world' kind of trope. 
          Now... I feel like a lot of people would want both ideas- but I am only one person, and I am trying to prioritize myself with studies, and some potential part-time work I've taken up, but writing is still a strong hobby of mine. It can help clear my head, so I love doing it. 
          I'd absolutely love for you to give me your opinion, and, honestly just choose one.
                      Let me know what you think. ♠♥


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Am I publishing different fics, and giving myself more stories to work on and worry about, so I have something for you guys to read, and so I can hold off the Fyozai fic, because I'm insecure as fuck about my writing? 
          ... No.. T-T
          Alright- I know how this looks. 
          I have excuses. 
          I promise. 
          There's been uhm. Setbacks? 
          100% the truth. Definitely. 
          We had a uhm. Runaway. It was... Fyodor. He jumped out of the.. book?... (Like Sigma heheh...-)
          (Okay I promise. Even if I can't go over the chapter with one final edit, I'll publish it this weekend. I swear on my life)


TWO ANNOUNCEMENTS- One has to do with my followers, another has to do with valentines. It's optional to read this, but I'd really like you to hear me out.
          So my friend and I were talking yesterday, bc I matched pfps over on discord with my date, and the characters were Columbina and Arlecchino from Genshin Impact. Now I'm not sure how many of you follow Genshin, or know of it, but if you haven't played it, I'm encouraging you to get into it. IT'S SUCH A GOOD GAME, AND THEY PLAN ON RELEASING AN ANIME FOR ITTT
          Aaa anyways- my friend and I have made a server on discord for the fauti harbingers. We have 4 people at the minute, but we still need like 7? And we don't know too many Genshin moots in real life, so I'm asking you guys. If anybody knows Genshin,
          To join. 
          I promise we'll have a lot of fun, and it's purely for a bit of chaos and entertainment. We've already made the gc really gay, so if you're into that, definitely give it some thought. I'll see if attaching the link works. Not sure, but I can try. 
          So I think, just paste that into the search bar on google, or maybe search for it on discord? Not sure how it works, but I hope some of you know Genshin and will join, because it'll be a blast, and you may make some new friends, which I encourage. 
          The other thing, is that I'm doing a valentines special for a fic of mine, can you guess which one? It might be a little unexpected, but I promise it'll be sweet. Not toxic. But my reason for that, might be because I'm super excited, but nervous for valentines, so writing is my best suit to kind of, portray and reflect my feelings, so that's a bonus. 
          Anyway, that's about it for the moment, you guys might see a new fic in the next couple of months, but no promises. I might be transitioning into year 10 for my schooling, which means I'll need to knuckle down on my studies and all that, but all good. I have it under control... I hope. 
          Well, have a beautiful rest of your day, ily ❤


@Jyung_0829 Aw nooo T-T
            That suckss.. But, if you're interested in Genshin and reading, I'm working on a couple brief ideas for fics off Genshin. They may not be so traveller-centred, bc I love some other characters aside from the traveller (Aether for me) but, I'm sure they'd meet your expectations. 
            I mean, I couldn't have you guys thinking it was going to be abusive and cruel, right? Of course it'll be sweet... Mostly. Maybe except for the beginning I had planned tehe~ ♥


@notyourtypicalbeing my younger brother had deleted my Genshin app and it's such a pain to re-download it again cuz it takes a very long time to load… TvT
            I love how you had to assure us that the Valentine's special will be sweet instead of toxic. Anyways, looking forward to it!


For how these first few days back at school have been... I somehow have a valentines date. 
          Because of this, my life feels a bit like a fever dream at the moment.. I left school early today with my sister, and turns out, one of my friends had planned to ask me out for valentine's day. 
          I later called her on behalf of her best friend, and now we've made plans for February the 14th. Today has just felt like a surreal fantasy for me, and it still kinda does. 
          Feel like I'm going to wake up from this strange dream any moment, and I'm scared shitless because my last highschool relationship experience hadn't worked out, and lasted merely a month or two, but I can't let that control my life, so I'm just kind of letting fate lead the way. 
          But, she definitely feels different than anyone I've ever met, so I'll be happy to see where it all goes, though my expectations aren't high, considering how everything turned out last time. 
          Never been more than a friend to a girl, so this is really new for me, but somewhat exciting, considering the mental confliction I've set myself in these past few weeks. 
          And, for anybody wondering.. Such as two really sweet people on discord. 
          Yes, I am working on myself a bit, and I'm slowly picking myself back up. Mostly thanks to my friends at school, and 2 of my friends on the internet. They've all been steady and understanding with me. <3
          Thank you guys so so much, even everybody whose lifted my spirits here on wattpad, you never fail to make me subconsciously smile, even if I'm having a rough day. 
          As for the works I've got here, I'm slowly working on them. Though my mind is a bit of a mess. But, it's more of a good mess. Just racing over a lot of things, including a bit of a confession. 
          Nevertheless, I'll resume my progression with all fics I was working on during the holidays. You might even see some new works of mine, which I had started over the break, but didn't finish, so hopefully I'll pick up the pace from here. ♥


@notyourtypicalbeing Yup! That's the spirit!! You will blossom into the most beautiful flower one day Maddie! I'm sure of it
            And that day, I'll make you a card telling you how proud I am of you!!
            Work at yourself and craft yourself to be the person you'd want yourself to be! Don't worry about what others will think. You do you!! 
            Believe in yourself Maddie!! Healing takes time but it isn't impossible. Do your best to give you the love you deserve our beautiful queen!! You'd have the best life ever and become the strongest girl!!! 
            Yup, I'm glad life is a little easier on me and when on times it isn't, I can handle it thanks to you all and my bf. He's a gentle soul and I'm glad to have him in my life❤️
            You don't have to thank us Maddie! We're always here for you whenever you need us
            I hope your date goes well and you enjoy it!!!
            Love ya loadsss❤️❤️❤️


@Jyung_0829 Hah, thank you so much, I'm a little nervous for valentines but overall excited. 
            As far as school, it's been very calm. We haven't done much learning, and had a power outage in our area yesterday, so that was fun lmao
            I definitely think that without my friends, school would be a lot more difficult.
            And thank you so much, I'll definitely have to take your advice on board, and see how the date turns out in the near-future, but it's super nice to know you enjoy my writing haha <3


@SumireInuzuka I swear every one   of your comments makes me smile.
            I'll try to work on myself, because I know, to love and respect others, it starts with yourself.
            And it's amazing to know you're doing a lot better than where you were a couple months ago. Sam told me your situation with a lot of things improving, I was really happy to hear it, even if I wasn't in the best of moods. <3
            But thank you loads. Really don't know what I'd do without you. ♡


I've tried to help the people I love, and care about. I try to be everything for them, do everything right. Tried to be there and lift them up, when nobody would. 
          I try my hardest around everybody, and I'd never regret that. Never have. 
          But I think.. Sometimes I just wish somebody would be there for me, they way I've been there for them. 
          I might be able to think of a few people who will do this, such as one of my school friends, and a sweet girl I've met here on wattpad. You know who you are, Sumi.. ♥
          The only fear I face, with pouring my feelings out to people, is how uncomfortable they might be, or how they might react. Or whether they can handle it. 
          All feels like, you're trying to indulge yourself and keep everybody's attention on you, like you're making them worry on purpose, creating unnecessary concern and fear upon them.  
          That, by telling them something they wouldn't want to hear, it seems.. Selfish of you. 
          Even though you're only trying to reach out for a last hope, desperate to be saved or helped, you feel, that because you've been there for others, the favour you return, is just, self-centred. Telling everybody how you've been crying so much, how you've done this or that over your own thoughts, your own mind, yourself. How you've failed to cope with so much, how your life is so much worse than anybody's, how you hate yourself. 
          When in reality.. For me at least, it's not. Like I can feel I'm overreacting, or exaggerating, as that's what everybody has painted the situation to be, and the worst part is.. I can't argue with them. 
          It's not that I've found it hard to cope, because of what people have said.
          I've found it hard to cope because I'm doing this alone, and it's one of the hardest things I've faced.. My friends and my parents are really the only people I know are there for me, but to pour everything on them just feels too dramatic, or maybe inconsiderate. Like, by doing so, you're expected to make up for it, because it was foolish.


@notyourtypicalbeing don’t ever feel like your the cause of me feeling down. I don’t want you to feel bad for ever needing to vent to me


@notyourtypicalbeing I do have discord; my username is jyung_0829#1599
            Such an original username, isn't it TvT
            Me? Sweet? Oh heavens, no, I'm a baddie *growls and turn into a werewolf*
            Another one of my horrible jokes lol, bear with my bad sense of humor xD
            You seem very sweet too! I'd love to have a friend like you <3


@-Scxrxmouche- As always ♥
            I'll have to turn to you, if I ever want to vent, I just hope that no matter the extent of the matter, I won't cause you any worry or trouble you too much, because like you, I don't want to see you upset or hurt. 
            Especially not over me, because then I'll worry about you. I've said the same to another one of my friends, but thank you for caring so much, can't express how grateful I am to have people who are so willing to help.


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When you're using writing as a way to escape your own mind, because you're going to be without your friends this year in all subjects, and in a class with your ex, who wants nothing to do with you. Because you're an absolute piece of shit, who can't even deal with anything, and is still coping over events that happened last year. 
          I swear my only escape is my parents, my best friend, my few good friends, music, and writing or just.. Fantasising. Thinking of things that aren't real, using characters from animes as a means to get away from reality. 
          ... So fucking excited for school to start back in under a week. I think I'm gonna have a panic attack at this point, if I can survive the first day back. 
          You'd think I'd have somebody I know in my class this year, but no, not really, and I really don't want to re-visit my first few days of school, because aside from my friends it was absolute hell. On top of that, my sister gets perfect grades, and the last half a year I spent at this school, my mum was apparently going easy on me, so I suppose I'm expected to get grades like my sister, which will be fun, because I'm so distracted over not having anybody I know in my class, that I doubt I'll be focusing on much for the first couple days, and knowing my mentality, it may even drag out over the span of a few months, if this doesn't improve. 
          During these last few weeks, I've just been immersing myself in writing and just doing anything I can to get my mind off it, but I know that every time, the moment I stop doing something, it's there in the forefront of my thinking. I'd tell people and vent my feelings out, but it doesn't help, so I'm just suffering, and my mind is conjuring the worst-possible scenarios, which feel like they'll be real.
          Ahhh school is going to ruin this year for me, I can tell. 2023 has been off to such an amazing start.. 
          Aha, I just really hope everyone else has a nice time back at school.


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@notyourtypicalbeing oh noo :( now I am VERY tempted to call him an asshole. How could he do that to you?? He could have said at least one word but no. Istg some boys can be so conceited and vain. You made the right choice, breaking it off with him. Cupid really just have a bad aim sometimes.
            Save your tears for something worth crying(like a sad movie, your favorite anime has been discontinued, etc…). Someone like HIM doesn't deserve them.
            I love how I'm actually mad at someone who doesn't even know I exist.
            (Is it weird that I imagined your friends literally lifting you off the floor and carrying you everywhere?)
            Your friends sounds like the kindest souls there is. I'm super happy you've made good friends with them! (≧▽≦)
            The feeling of giving but never receiving certainly sucks, but there will always be someone to do that to us, unfortunately. All we could do is try to move on and forget those assholes. Certainly not easy, but it will be worth it.
            If you like, imagine me as a small devil in your mind, ready to tempt you to do many actions that you'd probably regret lol. I'm certainly no angel!
            I will be here to cheer you on if you need it(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
            Something unrelated: who would have thought eating sour cream and onion flavored chips and chicken flavored noodles at the same time tastes good?


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@Jyung_0829 Aha, if only I had the courage, or guts to call him an asshole, but despite everything, I still tried to befriend him over the last couple weeks of school a while back, but it didn't end well. 
            He up and left, didn't even engage in conversation. I broke out into tears, and by god, could I ever count how many times I've cried over somebody who just isn't worth it.. 
            My 2 good friends were there that day, to pick me off my feet and comfort me as best they could, but it still hurts, when you give somebody everything and receive nothing in return. 
            But thank you, I'll have to keep you in my mind on the first day, considering the boost of morale you'd probably give me. ❤


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@notyourtypicalbeing It's not your fault that your ex acted distant. I am quite tempted to refer to your ex as an asshole but that's a bit too rude lol
            I have a feeling he must have done something that he shouldn't have done and felt guilty whenever you're around, but I'm not gonna try and assume things coz that can be very unsettling
            I'm gonna hope and pray that your first day of school will be absolutely fantastic and awesome, and I'm gonna cheer you on. 
            Go, girl! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧


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You know, between binge-watching the whole 2 seasons of Moriarty the Patriot in less than a week, progressing through a video game called Genshin Impact, and immersing myself in the lore behind it.. ON TOP OF THAT, re-watching the 2 seasons of Vanitas no carte, in other words stabbing myself internally, because of all the angst in these fandoms as well as the backstories of characters in VNC and Genshin Impact, as well as BSD (which I've been trying to avoid) .....
          I think Bungou Stray Dogs has some damn competition.. I regret to say, I think it's no longer my favourite anime... 
          This is very much so the reason I've held off on all bsd fanfics I'm currently writing. I promise I'm trying so hard to get myself back into it, but oml FUCKING GENSHIN AND HOT ASS ANIME GUYS- I NEED TO CONTROL MYSELFGKJDFKHG
          Anyway- off topic. How are you psychologically? I'm hoping you're doing alright, because I've been stressing myself shitless as of late, if you couldn't already tell, but it's fine, it'll all be fine. I have the power of gay anime men <3


@notyourtypicalbeing hi maddie! Thank you for your advice! It will help I'm sure like it always does. Don't worry about me too much. Focus on yourself first.
            On a side note I feel a little better today. My exam went well and I got to spend time with my boyfriend a little, the only one I can turn to other than 2 of my friends so ig it's not that bad currently.
            Me and my cousin and my friends had a lot of fun performing an experiment in the laboratory today during an exam, making soap tequila and topping it with lots of foam until the lab assistant got irritated and took all the apparatus from us. 
            So now I'm feeling a lot better. I hope I stay this way for a while atleast
            And I hope you'd feel better too soon. I'm here for you if you ever need to talk, just message me if you ever want to talk and we'll have lots of fun talking about nonsense afterwards k?
            Love ya maddie!! Take care of yourself, drink lots of water, eat healthy but eat what you like too occassionally, give yourself a break from things, go on walks, listen to music, dance goofily, laugh lots and most importantly love yourself!!! <33
            BEAR HUGS!! 


@SumireInuzuka Hah, thanks that's really sweet of you <3
            And I'm sorry about the new year starting off on such a horrible note. I really wish I could help, or cheer you up, but yeah. Kinda stuck in my own head atm. 
            Despite everything, I can only hope it'll get better for you. It honestly seems like your parents aren't going to change their attitudes, and that really does suck. I'd love to give you a huge hug, and tell you that not everything stays the same, and eventually you might find it'll pass, but right now, all I can offer is a bit of encouragement to push through it. 
            To be fair, I can understand why you'd want to hurt yourself over it, whether mentally or physically, I've been there. It's not fun, and it won't ever help the situation. Much like how taking your life over something you fear you can't handle or stick up to, the outcome is not only reflected upon people who love you, but also upon yourself. 
            If I could tell you anything right now, it would be to hold out a little longer, and if you can't change the people around you, change your attitude toward them, better yet, if you're in a bad head space, focus on yourself, and not the people who don't give two shits about you. 
            I learnt that the hard way, and It's helped me. Although, I can't lie, love from my friends and family has definitely given me a huge push, but even if you have nobody to turn to, I believe you can still save yourself, if not for anybody, do it for your mental health and even for yourself. 
            I might honestly be a little rusty on the whole 'encouraging speech' but I hope it maybe helped a little, because even a fraction of light can overturn a cloud of darkness.


@notyourtypicalbeing heya Maddie! First of all, if he was someone like that, I'm glad you broke up with him. Because had you been with him for longer, it would have been worse for your mental health. Just stay strong and everything will be fine one day! You'll get someone who actually deserves you and treats you like the queen you are! 
            And why honestly, treat yourself like a queen. You, yourself ought to be like "nuh-uh, idc if they love me. I'm gonna love myself, screw the world"
            You're gonna bloom into the most beautiful flower one day! And I hope you know that ❤️
            Umm.. about me. I'm not... good? Bad? Idk honestly. Lol 2023 has been serving me so bad. It's a wreck for me and honestly am very tempted to do something to myself again. 
            Imagine starting your new year crying and ending the day by crying just because your parents refuse to listen to you regarding anything lol. Even now as I'm typing this, I feel like disappearing uk cuz idk what's been going on my mind and I'm just tired of all the bs happening around me
            Ngl I wanted to message you on discord too but didn't for the same reasons. But don't you ever worry about that k? You can message me anytime! You wouldn't be poking your nose anywhere. You're a friend uk<3
            Mhmm I'll still try to read it as soon as I can because I really want to but my mind isn't just in the right place