Ok, here we go:
My world has a mix of made up gods and real life gods, it's my main AU with mainly like, OCs based off songs and some other OCs but, still, uhh, the mainly character in one of the books is Athiest, the two main characters in another book (it's a horror book taking place in the same Au) actually like, have family members who worship some of the made up gods...
The main gods are like, the main four elements you would usually think of plus light, dark, time, plasma, and humanity, the names for them being:
Earth/ground god: Humusias, Fire god: igniso, Water god: aquami, Wind god: Ventusnumo, Time god: tempusras, Light god: Luxcoa, Dark god: saccuskio, Plasma god: plasmac, and Humanity hod: Humanitvol
All of the gods names are the words for them in Greek with just extra letters, except humanity god, I replaced the -as in Humanitias with -vol. And, fun fact, there is no lightnig god in this religion as lightning is made by plasma, and I literally just added a c at the end of plasma for the plasma God's name cause pladma in Latin is plasma. And the liquid, solid, and gas gods' (a few minor gods) names are literally just liquid, solid, and gas in Latin.
Main minor gods:
Sound god: Sonusplo, liquid god: liquidus, solid god: solidus, gas god: gasum, salt god: Salbose, Sweet god: Dulcisnum, dairy god: Lacolko, food god: Escamos, Hate god: odiofo, Platonic/friend god: Plamicusdo, and Love god: Amornocua
There is a whole religion for this, I just gotta sort it out more, make designs, but this is a more underground religion, not many know of it, it's kinda like a cult but with less animal or human sacrifices, it's like, money and riches as sacrifices instead of that, also all gods are real and live in (mostly) perfect harmony, though it is kinda chaotic