could you do another yandere brother story with 2 love interests and a lot of kinky 18+ lemons
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Idk if u guys care but should I give Incessant Pleasure a part 2?
could you do another yandere brother story with 2 love interests and a lot of kinky 18+ lemons
New PERSON TO LOVE YESSS! Anyway I was gonna ask why don't do a one shots? It's better òwó because the story you did was PERFECT don't mind me I'm drunk rn
Incessant pleasure 2 plss
hi!! love ur stories! i was wondering if u have any social media accounts (like instagram or twitter) that we can follow u on in case if u ever stop writing/updating not sure if u still check in on here or not...
@iAshleyxoxo hello there! Thank you so much T///w///T My Insta is on the link of my bio. I apologize for the inconvenience, I really don't feel like writing lately soooo. > . <
Man the story was so fucking good like srsly.... but but did Y/N gets to know mashiro is her brother too n like all of them have mental disorder.... n like dies she go to see shun ded body for last time???? Did she tell her parents abt what had happened???????
@kitsunechxn eeeee I'm really glad to find such a precious reader ... must protect ! >< ♡
Idk if u guys care but should I give Incessant Pleasure a part 2?
For everyone who's reading Incessant Pleasure, My biggest thanks to those who've supported my story. It was my first successful book - after composing a lot from my previous account and deleting it afterwards. The results - and the continuous votes and comments have boosted my self confidence, therefore I have decided to write a fictional book which is not an "x reader". I certainly hope that it would prosper as Incessant Pleasure. As for me, I have been suffering from consecutive schoolwork so I haven't really come up with the conclusion of the mentioned book. It might take longer than usual, but I assure that it would be finished. This note simply states my gratefulness and the situation of my On-Hold book. XOXO, Fluchie Love y'all ♡
@Fluchie congrats on finishing the book! i really enjoyed it and i look foreword to ur future works :)
allow me to be the 100th follower
Ne, Hello!!^^.
@Fluchie can i ask you somethin?! like are you a girl or something or a boy? and hmm can't think i think i read to much jokes so yeah i ask when ur online so yah
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