main: @purrpup
hihi!! its a me, a yuki!
this is just my writing account, and by writing account i mean the only wattpad account ill probably be active
if you wanna see my other socials feel free to head to my main!
ill just be writing my story and some oneshots here! so yeah! i hope you enjoy your stay <3
- in a trashbin.
- انضمApril 23, 2019
قم بالتسجيل كي تنضم إلى أكبر مجتمع لرواية القصص
قصة بقلم yuki~
- 1 قصة منشورة
OC Oneshots
Here's a 'lil book of Oneshots of my ocs
This is just some stuff to do when I'm bored, sooo yeah :>