
Hello there you lovely beings! I hope you're all having a wonderful day/night, but hopefully I'm not bothering you either in the process. I'll get to the point now-
          	So uh- I'm currently planning to start a story, related to fnafsb! But, the problem is that I'm having trouble on the description part of the story. I have the template set up an all, plus it's filled in. But it's only blank from the description atm. 
          	The point is, I need help with this. I want to make a simple description in order to not spoil any of the plot for the story. But it's difficult for me.. :'c


Saw you voted on all chapters in my book! Thanks!
          I have no idea on what to say! Yippee 
          Thought, could I have some feedback? I don't know why but I feel like I need an outsider to tell me that something is either off or could be better.
          Anyway, hope to anyone who can read, joy and candy.


Hey there, thanks for the votes on Toxin!


@FluffySimps hi there, sorry I didn't see this sooner. Thank you so much, glad you loved it! ❤️


Oh, you’re very much welcome! Your story is so amazing and well written I love it so much! <3


          thank you for voting on all the chapters of my book!
          i do hope you're enjoying it, more is on the way! 
          thank you once again, and have a good rest of your night/day< 33


@shiromii01 No problem! But you're very much welcome either way! :D
            And yes, I'm loving your story so much <33
            You too have a nice day/night! c:


Hello there you lovely beings! I hope you're all having a wonderful day/night, but hopefully I'm not bothering you either in the process. I'll get to the point now-
          So uh- I'm currently planning to start a story, related to fnafsb! But, the problem is that I'm having trouble on the description part of the story. I have the template set up an all, plus it's filled in. But it's only blank from the description atm. 
          The point is, I need help with this. I want to make a simple description in order to not spoil any of the plot for the story. But it's difficult for me.. :'c


Thank you so much for all the votes on Big Bad Wolf @Fluffy_Loser!


@Fluffy_Loser, aww glad to hear that you like it! I hope you like the coming chapters <3


You're very much welcome @lostgipsydanger! I really love the book so that's why I gave votes, :D


I have a very simple question to whoever reads this. Should I try and make a story of a character that i simp for? 
          Yes or no?
          Also, its an x reader story, please let me know as soon as possible.


@EllieIsALegitWriter Alrighty then, I'll try my absolute best on doing so! ^^


That you for indulging in my dated trash


            Idk what to reply back anymore, but ye  ;w;


            Thank-you qwq 
            Though some people have problems with it, when it was active I published everyday because I loved to write for people who like my writing ♡
            QvQ fckn bless you