☆ H-hi how are u?
Love your self the way you are.
You are special
You are true
Don't listen to them who hates you
Your heart is pure
Purer than bright gold.
Listen to your heart and those around you who care.
Not your head that only wants fortune and not the ones who want to use you.
You are important
And we care
You are heading to the top.
Don't listen you are more than rare.
Legendary, mythical can compare,
With you and your big heart
Now sit down as we tear
All those bad times
And sad times apart.
Listen to your heart as you see
A bright future that is meant to be...
H-hi I hope you enjoyed •///• i-i'll love to talk to anyone of you ⊂(・ω・*⊂ h-hugs!! ☆