Can i request a story about Y/N Stark

@briarbeauty144 I'll see what I can write up if you have any more ideas you can private message me on here or on Instagram of you have it. My Username is @lucyjaneyoutube the profile picture is the same as it is on here.

@Fluffyparis123 Here’s my story request about Y/N Stark. Backstory: She’s Tony’s daughter she was born on 2/12/04. And she has powers that are similar to Wanda’s but in hot pink. Tony took her into The Red Room in 2015 when she was 11 to do training and get a suit in pink from the red room but The Red Room didn’t want to do the graduation ceremony on Y/N. She completed her training at 14 and Tony took her back to their home, The Avengers Tower. Her mom Flora Stark comes to visit the tower every weekend. Present Day: She’s 15 now It’s the year 2019 and it’s only a few more days of 9th grade then summer vacation and the start of 10th grade but Y/N gets jealous of Autumn’s life, friends, outfits, boyfriend, good grades, goes to concerts, hangs out with her friends, kindness, her hair color, how pretty and skinny she is, and always compares herself to Autumn on Instagram or Snapchat whenever she posts. Y/N favorite singer is Demi Lovato. Flora & Tony are always strict with Y/N and what she wears like she can’t wear mini shorts but Autumn can. Even Y/N’s best friend MJ blew her off just to be best friends with Autumn. Later on Y/N starts to have depression, suicidal thoughts, cutting herself, starving herself, and crying herself to sleep at night in her dark bedroom with Demi music on her phone, and wishes she could have Autumn’s life. But during the middle of 10th grade her boyfriend Peter Parker helps Y/N find happiness in her life again and that she doesn't need to compare her life to Autumn’s. And Flora & Tony are not strict with Y/N anymore and they both help Y/N recover. I already have a title for it Y/N Stark in Autumn’s Life
