Hi I love your books . Just wanted to let you know
Reading Lists
I have come on here too many times to count to explain my absence. COVID, surgery, my physical health took a turn. COVID changed literally everything about teaching (my real life career) and these changes have sucked away all my free time and energy. It’s getting better. Then, our beloved cat OJ, who is written into Weekend Getaway, actually, lost her battle to aw cancer. It’s been very hard on me and Munchkin. 13 years. And Munchkin has grown up having two fur sisters. She’s lost one. I’ve been entertaining the idea of writing that into WG as a way for me to heal. Which means I have opened files to reread my stories. Several over this holiday. I am hopeful that inspiration will come soon. Thank you for your patience ❤️
@FluteQueen03 I just discovered your books, and I can totally say have me enthralled. I'm literally reading while in a meeting.
Hi I love your books . Just wanted to let you know
I have come on here too many times to count to explain my absence. COVID, surgery, my physical health took a turn. COVID changed literally everything about teaching (my real life career) and these changes have sucked away all my free time and energy. It’s getting better. Then, our beloved cat OJ, who is written into Weekend Getaway, actually, lost her battle to aw cancer. It’s been very hard on me and Munchkin. 13 years. And Munchkin has grown up having two fur sisters. She’s lost one. I’ve been entertaining the idea of writing that into WG as a way for me to heal. Which means I have opened files to reread my stories. Several over this holiday. I am hopeful that inspiration will come soon. Thank you for your patience ❤️
@FluteQueen03 I just discovered your books, and I can totally say have me enthralled. I'm literally reading while in a meeting.
The Millionaire's Teacher- interesting story
Hi. I have read two of ur books and I absolutely love them. I just want to know if u will finish weekend getaway
Hi! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed them! Life has been very busy. I broke an ankle, had surgery and major block. I have a few ideas and plan on finishing it :)
Hello, everyone! Here’s the update now that I’m more lucid (no joke...). Surgery went well, Doc got the bone fragment. No, I didn’t get to keep it. Yes, I did ask LOL #imanerd The pain has been real! Not only in my foot but my abs! Guys, I have abs! LOL I’m not needing the strongest stuff as much anymore which I think is great after only five days. Motrin and Tylenol for the win! Another week and a half then the split comes off. I go back in that blasted orthopedic boot for four weeks along with physical therapy. On the mend! Fun news is, it’s led to some wild, vivid dreams and a few rough chapters. Tell me something.... How do you feel about dragons? *wink*
Wow! It’s been awhile. I hope everyone is safe and doing well. I have some news. Those of you who have been following me for at least the last year, know it’s been a journey. I broke my ankle last spring and it’s never fully healed correctly. Months of pain and swelling led to an MRI. that reveal a bone fragment in the ligament. I was supposed to have surgery last month. Due to....circumstances, it was postponed. Now, on Monday, May 11, surgery will happen. I ask for prayers for this. Munchkin has been quite anxious and emotional lately. It’s just us, I’m all she has and she’s scared something might happen. The two of us have been through quite a bit. Small parts are sprinkled through my stories so you have an idea. I appreciate the support, patience and kind messages I have received. Life has been anything but normal. You are not forgotten! You are very much loved and appreciated. ❤️
Anyone else going bonkers in quarantine?? Switching to virtual teaching, working with my own Munchkin and preparing packets and lessons for possibly the end of the school year, I’m going nuts. Hopefully prerecording my lessons on YouTube will free up some time. Life is kicking my butt lately but my goal is to kick some villain butt back in some stories to let off some steam! Woot!
Hey, I'm hosting a brand new awards. It's on my profile and is called as 'Summer Awards 2020' . I wonder if you'll be interested. It will be fun to participate and you can prizes if your story deserves it. I'm sorry if this isn't something you're interested in, kindly ignore. - Bhavna ♥️
Ankle surgery has been scheduled for March 23. And my mom is getting to be here so I’m very relieved. Time is still undergoing major editing so I’ll be in a writing mood! Prayers and positive vibes are appreciated ❤️
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