
@GypsyFair Heya! We're both from Brisbane :)


Howdy all you'se,
          OMG! IKR! We are actually alive! Quite a surprise, hey? Yeah, well sorry 'bout that, Marie and I got a slight bit busy with our lives, so we have slacked off, like, A LOT! 
          But I do have some good news, well firstly, we are going away for a month tomorrow for a school camp, but while we are away, we are going to be writing a new story we have decided to come up with! WOOOHOO!! :D
          It is based on most cliche stories, but we mixed them up a bit. You will just have to wait and see, hey! 
          Well toodles doodles, 
          Cya all in a months time with a new and totally improved story! <3