
Hey, Guys! 
          	It may be a bit of a surprise that I'm posting but I've checked my account after a very long time and it's truly warmed me to see you all still here reading my stuff. I'm so sorry that I've left you with two unfinished stories and I cannot promise that they will ever be completed. And although I appreciate the passion, I wouldn't want anyone else to complete them. They belong to me and Mocha and I still hold them close to my heart. I fell out of the fandom a long while ago and grew out of fanfiction writing. My time on wattpad was amazing though and I often think back to it with fond memories. Life just gets in the way when you grow up. 
          	I appreciate every one of you and want to assure you all that I will not be deleting my account. A few of you have mentioned re-reading my stories and I don't want to take that away from you guys if you still enjoy them. Maybe one day I will be back posting here but it will most likely be original pieces that I have been working on during my time at Uni. 
          	I hope you all don't hate me for leaving you hanging. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm doing fine (I'm not dead!) and that your loyalty makes me want to cry. You're all amazing! I wish you all the happiness and I hope to give you something new to read one day. 
          	Yours truly, 


@FlyLemon I hope you start writing back up again, you are absolutely amazing at it and I'd love to read more of your work. I don't mean to pressure you, but I would really love it if you continued after Uni.


@ FlyLemon  I have still remember the day I started your fics. Thank you for all these expriences and thank you for not leaving us in the dark. I hope you have an amazing life ahed of you and thank you for everything!


I'm glad you're alive!! I just finished reading 'A summer best forgotten' and it was amazing. All your stories are amazing. Although I was really sad that two of your books weren't completed, don't feel pressured to complete them. Your stories amaze me and will always be in a special place in my heart. Love you and your talent for writing books and being able to make me laugh like No-one has before even if it's not a personal thing. Anyways, if you read this, you're awesome and have a great life!


I hope you’re doing okay lemon. Even after all the stuff that came out about cry, these stories still
          Hold a dear part to my heart. The cry you wrote is no longer associated with the real life cryaotic in my mind. You created a character on your own and made something wonderful out of it. To other on the outside these may just seem like “stupid” fanfiction stories but for my self and I know for many others, these stories where a huge part of our lives at some point. I used books and fan fictions to escape reality and your stories always allowed me to. I understand not finishing the two books, but I do hope you decide to come back; either to write something for another fandom or something entirely on your own. Personally I think you can do it, I mean you already have. I saw your post from a few years ago talking about how you stepped away from it all and how that was apart of getting older. But I do hope there is still part of your younger self in you to still have the love of writing. I thought I would grow out of it but with going into my 20’s I still find myself reading a story from time to time off of this app. I guess a part of me doesn’t want to let go of the feeling of being alive and feeling these heavy emotions some of these stories gave me… thank you. I truly hope you’re doing well


Thankyou for not deleting your books. They are a very important part of not only mine but many people's childhoods or at least teen years. I think it has been three or four years since I last read a summer best forgotten. I don't think anyone can understand how much that book meant to me. I feel sad that it will only mean nostalgia for me now that I am older than I was and no longer understand why I liked it. It truly is a devestating thing, age. I would give anything to go back there not knowing what happens inside. Sometimes I really wish I didn't know anything at all because it hurts thinking I'll never get to read it again and feel the same emotions. Maybe I am being over dramatic and that is quite true but just know your books mean a lot.


Hey, Guys! 
          It may be a bit of a surprise that I'm posting but I've checked my account after a very long time and it's truly warmed me to see you all still here reading my stuff. I'm so sorry that I've left you with two unfinished stories and I cannot promise that they will ever be completed. And although I appreciate the passion, I wouldn't want anyone else to complete them. They belong to me and Mocha and I still hold them close to my heart. I fell out of the fandom a long while ago and grew out of fanfiction writing. My time on wattpad was amazing though and I often think back to it with fond memories. Life just gets in the way when you grow up. 
          I appreciate every one of you and want to assure you all that I will not be deleting my account. A few of you have mentioned re-reading my stories and I don't want to take that away from you guys if you still enjoy them. Maybe one day I will be back posting here but it will most likely be original pieces that I have been working on during my time at Uni. 
          I hope you all don't hate me for leaving you hanging. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm doing fine (I'm not dead!) and that your loyalty makes me want to cry. You're all amazing! I wish you all the happiness and I hope to give you something new to read one day. 
          Yours truly, 


@FlyLemon I hope you start writing back up again, you are absolutely amazing at it and I'd love to read more of your work. I don't mean to pressure you, but I would really love it if you continued after Uni.


@ FlyLemon  I have still remember the day I started your fics. Thank you for all these expriences and thank you for not leaving us in the dark. I hope you have an amazing life ahed of you and thank you for everything!


I'm glad you're alive!! I just finished reading 'A summer best forgotten' and it was amazing. All your stories are amazing. Although I was really sad that two of your books weren't completed, don't feel pressured to complete them. Your stories amaze me and will always be in a special place in my heart. Love you and your talent for writing books and being able to make me laugh like No-one has before even if it's not a personal thing. Anyways, if you read this, you're awesome and have a great life!


I love experience so much, I've re read it AGAIN and I just can't believe how awesome it is. Love your writing so much. Experience has some great topics that made me cry (no pun intended), laugh, and not do anything but read until the end. One of the best PewDieCry fanfics I've ever read, if not one of the best fanfics ever. <3


Wherever you are I hope you're having fun! We miss you and your writing skills they're amazing! A Summer Best Forgotten is one of my favorite fanfics and I hope if/when you come back you update it. Oh and Experience was incredible too.