I hope you’re doing okay lemon. Even after all the stuff that came out about cry, these stories still
Hold a dear part to my heart. The cry you wrote is no longer associated with the real life cryaotic in my mind. You created a character on your own and made something wonderful out of it. To other on the outside these may just seem like “stupid” fanfiction stories but for my self and I know for many others, these stories where a huge part of our lives at some point. I used books and fan fictions to escape reality and your stories always allowed me to. I understand not finishing the two books, but I do hope you decide to come back; either to write something for another fandom or something entirely on your own. Personally I think you can do it, I mean you already have. I saw your post from a few years ago talking about how you stepped away from it all and how that was apart of getting older. But I do hope there is still part of your younger self in you to still have the love of writing. I thought I would grow out of it but with going into my 20’s I still find myself reading a story from time to time off of this app. I guess a part of me doesn’t want to let go of the feeling of being alive and feeling these heavy emotions some of these stories gave me… thank you. I truly hope you’re doing well