Blessed Be )O(
Lady Sage | Randy | Karnelia FireStar | Lady of the Flame | 26 | Taurus | Taken | She/Her | Bi | Wiccan | Writer | Daydreamer | Night Thinker | Insomniac | Idealist | Fangirl |

"I have multiple WIPs, including myself."

"There's static in my brain, and stars in my eyes..."

"I'm an open book with missing pages, and sentences that don't quite fit."

"I'm haunted by who I used to be, who I want to be, who I'll never be."

"Stars aren't meant for wishing. They're meant for burning brightly, and then burning out."

"I'll turn into dust... Not the kind of dust that shimmers in the sunlight, though. The kind of dust that fills that cracks of broken things."
  • InscritJanuary 15, 2012


Dernier message
FlyWithDamagedWings FlyWithDamagedWings Jun 07, 2019 04:06PM
"She was more than a spark in the finer scheme of things. She was the fucking flame."
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Histoires par Merandah Sage Deltori
"Why do you fear the stars?" par FlyWithDamagedWings
"Why do you fear the stars?"
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A Moment par FlyWithDamagedWings
A Moment
Just a short prose/stream of consciousness type poem. Moments of silence in a car during a rainstorm.
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