This message is for BendyStraw fans and people who hate haters.
Look, I know what I said but this guy really isn't a hater. He's in the middle. But we need to make him (and others) understand that it is not okay to judge something you do not understand. He mentions a BendyStraw oneshot Booklet that I really enjoy, by an amazing writer. He made fun of one of my ships and a comic I like, because he didn't understand. I'm not saying we go over there and yell at him and hate on him. That would make us hypocrites. What I'm asking is for all that see this message WILL please, please try and understand that other people work hard to create stuff that you may or may not be interested in, but that does not give anyone the right to judge it right of the bat. This offended many people in the same way it did to me. This man is not any lesser than us, he just needs to see it our way. We go on the internet each day for different reasons. Some to get away from life, talk to friends, listen to music, express ourself, ect. But to get on it and just to tear other people down isn't right.
That is why I ask you, people I see everyday, to when you are wronged, or made fun of on the internet. Don't take it too seriously. Try to help them understand. And if they don't leave them. They'll figure it out someday.