
JAL has officially been updated with one more chapter to come. It has been almost 10 years since I’ve started this story and it is past due to meet its end. I hope you all enjoy the newest chapter and thank you all for sticking with me on this very long journey. ♥️


@FofoaivaoeseUngor yay! do we have an estimated date on when to expect the next/final chapter?


Awww thank you for actually sticking it out this long! I appreciate it! 


@FofoaivaoeseUngor ohhhhh my god..I've been waiting for thus..this is the firat book iread here in wattpad and it still in my library...thank u soooooo much!!!


JAL has officially been updated with one more chapter to come. It has been almost 10 years since I’ve started this story and it is past due to meet its end. I hope you all enjoy the newest chapter and thank you all for sticking with me on this very long journey. ♥️


@FofoaivaoeseUngor yay! do we have an estimated date on when to expect the next/final chapter?


Awww thank you for actually sticking it out this long! I appreciate it! 


@FofoaivaoeseUngor ohhhhh my god..I've been waiting for thus..this is the firat book iread here in wattpad and it still in my library...thank u soooooo much!!!


Hello my loves,
          I want to start out by apologizing for the years of no up date on JAL. I have no excuse other than life happened and my love for writing died. I don't know if I'll be able to finish JAL, maybe I'll give up the story to someone who can finish it, I have yet to decide. I'm so sorry my dears, but I have had a rough couple of years. 
          As of right now, I will attempt to finish JAL but I make no promises. I deeply apologize for this and I thank you all for have kept JAL in your thoughts for such a long time now. I started JAL when I was 14 years old and in middle school... I can't believe it's been 8 years since I had this little gem in my imagination... but now my imagination has gone dim and I've lost my love for writing... I am not sure how I will be able to finish, or if I'll finish at all, which is why I may be looking into giving it up to another writer. I will try to keep you all posted. 


So I read through all of JAL and when I got to the end of the last chapter I was like, what the hell? You can't just leave me there! And then I realized, oh right... I'm the one writing the damn story, let me get back to that. Lol it was just a funny moment I had to myself and wanted to share. Love you guys. <3


Please bare with me, I am currently rereading through JAL and making small edits here and there, I've decided to read through it and figure out how exactly do I want JAL to end. As you all know, JAL has been a story that has been ongoing for years now and so I feel as a writer that my writing style has changed and that I have a better understanding of literature and editing so I am making small changes to the story as I am moving through this writer's block. I will hopefully be out with the next update soon. 
          Lots of Love, Foa.


Question for my fellow readers: what categories do you think JAL should be listed under? It is currently under Historical Fictioin and Werewolf but at times I feel like it's not exactly fitting. What are your suggestions? Should I keep them in these categories? Or should I change them? And if so, to which?


Perhaps not in the werewolf genre... I feel that otherwise this book will drown in the amount of "His mate" books etc. Maybe in fantasy as well?


As this will be the last update to JAL, I would like to ask a small favor of all of my dedicated readers. I know it has been a long time since I've first started writing JAL, I was only in the 8th grade when I started writing this and now I'm about to be 20 years old in March. It's been a journey to get this far with this story and back then, I was solely dedicated to JAL but life has taken its course and so I've had to put it to the side over the years. I am so grateful for all who've kept JAL in their libraries and have reread it over and over while awaiting an update. It is however, time for JAL to finally come to a close... I have never published A/N's at the end of each update because I personally find it unprofessional and distracting from the actual story (please do not take offense, I mean nothing by it, simply my personal opinion) but as some have done, they have asked their readers to vote/comment on each update of their stories. Today, I do not ask for you to comment or vote on the chapters that have been published but to simply refer JAL to other readers who you believe will love it as much as you do. Its probably a bit selfish but JAL is my very own masterpiece and although it has its flaws and errors, I am proud of its results and I would greatly appreciate it if you would all help to spread this story. Of course! I do NOT expect any of you to and I surely am not demanding you to, but I would absolutely appreciate it if you would kindly just refer it even to a friend or two. Thank you so much for all of you who have supported JAL throughout the years.


          Do you consider it professional or grammatically correct to use "..." in writing? I know some do it for suspense, but I'm no expert in writing or English and was just curious. I know in formal papers that you may use "..." as a continuation to a quoted article, book, etc. but I'm not quite sure on the use of "..." in regular story book writing.


@FofoaivaoeseUngor hi! Is a bittersweet feeling that JAL is coming to an end... As an avid reader I've seen this "..." In a lot of books, but just like 40% that i've read, so, I think is not incorrect but is up to the writer to use them or not :) and the real problem is when u use too much, is anoying, but in good measure, I think it helps the reader to place themselves in the story. I hope this is helpfull. Kisses!