Hey y'all. It's been silent from my end for a bit and I just wanted to come on here to give you a quick update concerning myself and my work. A couple months ago I made an announcement about returning to writing with newfound motivation, about wanting to "finally continue". Now, you too may have noticed the absence of any new material since then. I want to speak on that. I meant what I said a few months ago, I truly did, but while I did attempt my return with newfound motivation and vigor, I did unknowingly employ the same old strategies as always. Pressure and deadlines. And I have come to understand that this doesn't work for me and it really never has. The reason I still did it all these years, I think, is that I would feel a lot of guilt over not creating "enough", would feel that people would be disappointed in me if I didnt meet "their expectations", so I would try to force myself into it. I now know that this is not true and even if it was, I cannot concern myself with it. This is my passion, my work and my expectation. It was time for me to see that. So from now on, I will not stick to any schedule or deadline, at least not for a good while. Instead of making me more productive like I hoped they would, they have only ever stressed me out and hindered me. I understand most of you are here for the Darkest Dungeon story. I will return to it in time, but it feels very freeing right now to announce that I have no idea when. Maybe I will spend some time on other projects, maybe not. It will be a surprise to you and me both. Given my rather sporadic appearances on here it feels kind of weird for me to make this announcement, like I don't quite know who I'm writing this for. But the idea of leaving a 4-month old false promise as my last message was just not right in my head, so for those who care I just really wanted to get this out. For now, this is what it is. Take care of yourselves, especially in times like these. I wish you well and see you :)

@HighlyMotivated thanks for letting us know what’s going on, I hope that things will go well for you