
I'll be writing a sequel to my book The Odds Are DEFINITELY in MY favor, tonight if you all still want it!!!!


Please Update Family Man?!?!?!?!?!??!


@JoEyGrAcEfFfAN  Hey love!! Followmetoneverland here. I was locked out of this account and have a new one. I have posted Family Man on there and will be updating ASAP I have improved chapter 1 so rereading that would be helpful :) just added some more emotion and detail. I will be updating every day as my account is now up and running. Follow me at 


Please update family man 


@sharkeisha222  Hi love, Followmetoneverland Here! My computer did an update and deleted my saved passwords, and i am locked out of this account. If you follow me on this account, I will have Family Man updated and added ASAP! :)


@havana0804  HI sweetie. I have a new account and have Family Man up and running on here as of tonight. I am so sorry for such a long wait. I was locked out of my original account. I hate making you guys wait so long for stories. I will be updating very regularly now if you are still interested!!! follow me at @PoisedAsAPorcupine