My Dog. My dear human, I see your tears because it’s time for me to leave. Please, don’t cry. Let me tell you something before I go. I’m so grateful I met you. So many animals never know love, but because of you, I did. You gave me a home, a name, and a heart full of joy. Don’t blame yourself, you did everything for me. You made my life beautiful. We animals live in the moment. We forget the pain and remember the love. And you gave me so much love. Even if our time was short, you made it meaningful. You held my hand as I left this world, and that meant everything. Please, don’t stop loving because of me. There are so many others out there, waiting for someone like you. Give them the chance you gave me. Don’t let your heart close out of fear. When you see a star twinkle, know it’s me winking at you, saying thank you. I’ll be waiting for you, my angel. Not goodbye, but see you later.

@Fon-SXY hahaha aku kira kamu belum punya lagi, repot banget 3 doggy , sayangnya aku bukan pecinta hewan, soalnya malas merawat