Oi it's this dogs birthday today. Happy birthday ya eshay @yeetmeoverthemoonnn
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Oi it's this dogs birthday today. Happy birthday ya eshay @yeetmeoverthemoonnn
Oi it's this dogs birthday today. Happy birthday ya eshay @yeetmeoverthemoonnn
When @Winter_Foxes says you kinda look like Greta Thunburg but some of your friends have already made that connection XC
Dear anyone who is taller than 5'4 PLEASE for the love of ever that is holy wear deodorant, no one wants to smell your bad body odor.
Well would you look at that, it’s my day of birth. What a coincidence xD 30th October, Australia
I hope y’all don’t have anything embarrassing on you cause I’m just say there’s probably an FBI agent or a hacker gathering your info and probably watching what your reading/doing on your phone/tablet or whatever so just saying just hope you guys don’t get hacked and if you do have an FBI agent at least torture/ make them uncomfortable with what you read cause why the hell not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Chaos_Coordinator That could work but what if they're into the type of stuff that you read/watch?
You gotta love Australian fire drills during math
@MISSJOCKEY101 one student did call the school once and said their was a bomb everyone apparently got sunburn and my teacher told me this
So if you see something like that or have been touch or something else talk to someone a family member, friend, a teacher who WILL do something please just tell someone if you don’t have any of that there’s hotlines just need to look em up so please just…see something say something
Bullshit (part two) He also asked for one of my friends to have sex with him for twenty dollars like she’s a hooker (he also asked some other girls as well) Everyone knew he didn’t have the greatest home life and we knew it and we didn’t treat him differently . But he has no dam reason to touch my friends or other girls in our year/grade. A lot of the girl didn’t come to school the next day and that includes one of my best friends who was one of the three girls. I found out from my friend that she called her and was crying like crazy about the boy who had touched her. Me and my best friend asked if she wanted to play a game we all really like she said yes and it was all great and I’m glade I make her laugh we play two different games and then Sid our goodbyes and soon after that’s when she called my other friend who told me. And yesterday I learn that more of the girl I had been friends with where victims of this pig, since we are still under age for sex no one was raped by this boy but unfortunately another boy at our school has raped some other girls that I know and hasn’t gotten into trouble since they haven’t reported it
>:/ when I come over there don’t hold me back I will stab em with a straw that is really sharp
Bullshit (please read serious matter.) Our schooling system is so bullshit a boy at our school has touch eight (and probably more girls) and he got one day of suspension and one day of Isolation and that’s it’s. Last Monday one of the girls in our year walked up to us crying and said that a boy keeper touching her but every-time she goes to tell her boyfriend he walks away. I walked away to get my bag since the bell had just rung and see that three of my friends where all agreeing to see the head teacher about the boy. Next period the girl who was crying wasn’t there I knew that they were still talking to the teacher so I then went to next period. And this period was one that will be known to all the girls in our class. My three friends had came back to class and one of them with red checks and tear stained face so me and three other girls go and ask if they wanted to talk about it and what happened. It turned out that four other girls had also reported the same boy about him touching them and now that makes eight of them because surprise he also touch my three other friends. And guess what he also in my class and got sent out of the class. A way he had touch one of my friends is that he found a stick on the ground and poked an area that shouldn’t be touch.And I didn’t realise this but i witness him touch my friend to. He always rapped his arm around her and I knew she was uncomfortable so I do what any friend would do and try to rip his arm away from her. But he had an iron grip around her and wouldn’t let her go. He has tried to do the same thing to me with wrapping his arm around me but I don’t like getting poked of touched my friends either so every time he did try I would also kick his leg and sometime where the sun don’t shine (very proud for that) .
One of the girls in my class was asking would you bring a sword or gun to a fight... Gun. Duh, gun go pew pew sword go clang clang. With a gun you shot them in the head or heart. Fight won. Who brings a sword to a fight.
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