السلام عليكم ورحمةالله وبركاته!!
Subhaan Allah.. Im in love with your book! Jazaki Allahu khair for tagging me! Im so glad to begin my day with your book! May Almighty Allah bless you immensely in this Dunya as well as in Aaghirah!
Have a nice day Habibti!
Jazakallah Khair dear Ukhti for your precious vote on Prologue of Heartstrings. Please stay tuned and your votes and comments will always be highly appreciated:))
Assalamu'alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatuhu dear Ukhti:)
Would you check out my first fiction Heartstrings? Your votes and comments will be highly appreciated:)
Jazakallah Khair Kaseeran Kaseera:)
assalamoalikum sistaa how are you..? nd where r u.....? its been ages ive heard anything from you....and also u deleted ur stories also.... :-(
hope u replied soon...
@saa_naleem your comment made my day! May he the Wadood grant you the same and may he accept us in our ways. ^^
ps: I am reading ur book already!! MashaAllah! ! was just busy in exams so few chaps left... can't wait to read! :* ♡ ♡ ♡