
I might be deleting all of my stories off of Wattpad...I've lost all inspiration for them and I really don't like how they are written. I've grown up so much since I started writing them I feel like they are awful compared to my work now. I have so many new stories but none of them have made it past the second chapter but as soon as I get my writing life together I will start fresh on this account. I am sorry for all of you who loved my stories and would hate to see them go but that was old me and it's time to say goodbye to her. Thank you for sticking by my side and here is to the our futures together! Love you all!


I might be deleting all of my stories off of Wattpad...I've lost all inspiration for them and I really don't like how they are written. I've grown up so much since I started writing them I feel like they are awful compared to my work now. I have so many new stories but none of them have made it past the second chapter but as soon as I get my writing life together I will start fresh on this account. I am sorry for all of you who loved my stories and would hate to see them go but that was old me and it's time to say goodbye to her. Thank you for sticking by my side and here is to the our futures together! Love you all!


Hey guys I'm currently taking any and all ideas of what you guys would like to see me write about. My current Fanfiction with be taken down in order for me to start fresh. If you personally want me to save one let me know because some of you still want me to continue. 
          Love you lots,


So basically I have two and a half weeks left of school. I'm going to be having a lot of time on my hands so I will be reading a lot. I plan on writing but it might be on my story not a fanfiction. I'm going to start fresh on this account and I will be taking ideas from my followers on what they would like me to write. So basically what I'm trying to say is BBOD and DITSBW will be deleted only because I feel like my writing has improved and I can do much better then I did when I was in the 6th grade. Thank you guys and I'll see you later.


@skiami22 I'm glad you like my story but I'm not sure if I still want to write if. My drive to write fanfictions has been low but if anything sparks the first thing I'll update is my TVD story I promise. School is almost over for me and maybe I'll start writing again who knows. Thank you for your support and I hope to post something soon. Xxx


Happy Happy Halloween everybody! I know I've been gone for quiet some time but to be honest I really have been busy. I got really sick a couple months back and was on the road to recovery for a while. I'm all better now and i plan to get back to my writting as soon as I have time because High School is hard and I always have a lot of work to do. But enough with excuses now to the exciting news. I've just been told that i'm almost at 50 followers and i'm so excited, If I reach 50 followers by my birthday (November 29th) then i'm upload two chapters to either of my stories or both. Who knows? Love you guys and thank you for being here with me so long i really do appreciate it!! xxxx


Hello!!!!! Hey guys, How have you all been?! Good? Great! I see we got some new members to our family how cool is that? Lol I'm done with my break you can say and I'm going try my best to upload at least 2-3 chapters each month on either one of my stories. A little news update as of today The Bieber Status has been deleted from Wattpad and will not be returning. I'm sorry for that guys but it had to be done. I lost a lot of respect and love for that story and JB but i promise I'll replace it with something new and exciting after Blinded By One Direction has finished. So thank you for everything and I'll catch up with you guys later xxx love ya