@Lovelovelovehappy@feistygirl@ShadowWolf1234@DareTobeEpic1D I have updated, thanks for the support & I'm terribly sorry about the late updates, i'm in my last year of high school, so i'm focused on getting into college more, and didnt really have the time.
May you please update your book "Drama? Not even close... Love?" You left such a big cliffhanger ahh! I just finished reading it and I started this morning! Please when you have time update it!? :)
@Lovelovelovehappy@feistygirl@ShadowWolf1234@DareTobeEpic1D I have updated, thanks for the support & I'm terribly sorry about the late updates, i'm in my last year of high school, so i'm focused on getting into college more, and didnt really have the time.
hey could you please update.?? it would mean a lot if you did today, b/c today is my birthday and for half the day it was great.. then it went down hill.. anyways i'd love if you'd update.!!!!
@SarahRoseCM i have so much work on my plate right now, im sorry i probably wont be uploading soon :( but i will at any chance i have! @AnnaChambers ahha thanks <3 i'll be reading them sooon!