
Hey guys. I'm fully back on here now and I'll definitely be updating stories and probably making new ones. Stay tuned and I love you all ❤


Hey everyone. Sorry for not updating any of my stories or posting any more. I've been busy studying for my final state exam and I just got the score for it. I passed. I was studying to be a Medical Administrative Assistant, so I am now certified to be a Medical Administrative Assistant. I'm so proud of myself. I have been studying my butt off for the past month and a half and it's all paid off. I passed my state exam.


Sup, y'all? How was your guys' Christmas and New Year's? Mine was FANTASTIC!!! I was letting you guys know that I will be updating a couple of my stories, but I will also be making a new one. The new one will be a Fifty Shades of Grey parady, but in the story, it will be in the Point of View of Christian Grey's baby sister, Lillian Grey. Here's a sneak peek of Christian and Lillian's history together: Christian and Lillian share the same birth mother. The day Christian was adopted by Grace Trevelayn and Carrick Grey was also the day Lillian was adopted. Both Christian and Lillian were found in their little apartment with their mother dead at their feet by the police and Dr. Grace Trevelayn-Grey. Christian, having to take care of his baby sister since she was born, is really protective of Lillian. He has even had to forego eating to survive to keep Lillian alive. I have not yet come up with a title for this story, so if I could get any suggestions, that would be very helpful. Something connected to Fifty Shades of Grey. I would appreciate your guys' help in figuring out a title for this new story. The prologue starts out when Christian is a 14-year-old and Lillian is a 10-year-old. I really need your help with coming up with a title for this new story. Hit me up in my inbox or send me a message if you have any ideas. Thanks so much, you guys!!!


Hey guys just wanted to let you all know that I will not be updating over Christmas break. I won't be able to get on. I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Christmas and I'll see you all back on here after the new year starts. Hopefully I'll be back to my college with my fiancée. Keep your fingers crossed. I'm leaving tomorrow morning so this is goodbye for three weeks, lovelies. BYE!!! <3 :)


Hey guys what's up? It's been a long time since I've talked with you all and I wanted to say hi. I'm updating a lot of my stories and I'm also working on new ones. I'm going to be going away for three weeks for Christmas Break, and I don't know if my phone will allow me to get on Wattpad and update stories. I can try when I get home. You guys are the reason why I keep writing my stories. Without you guys and this website, I wouldn't know what to do with my life. Writing stories is all I can do to express myself. I hope you like my new story, Children of Naraku. If any of you guys don't know who Naraku is, he is the main villain in the anime Inuyasha. It's a fan fiction that I began working on once I started hanging out with my new roommate, Brooke. We both love watching anime and I have all seven seasons of Inuyasha. Right now, I'm on season 3. I love Naraku and I love writing fan fictions about my favorite animes. I have a Naruto fan fiction and I'm currently working on another one. Let me know if you all want me to update anything! Love you