this message may be offensive
So, about an hour ago, my brother and I were folding clothes and we were talking. So, this is how it went.
Me: So, what do you see in a girl
Bro: *Doesn't say anything with a poker face*
Me: Well...?
Bro; I'm not saying anything
Me: Why?
Bro: Because it's something we shouldn't talk about, it's too far
*I looked at him with a disbelief look*
Me: We joke about inappropriate things all the time
Bro: Yeah, but it's too much information, TMI!
Me: I just want to know what you see in a gril
Bro: Well, I'm not saying anything
Me: Well, what do you see in a guy?
Bro: You know the answer to that
Me: Yeah, tall, dark, and handsome
Bro: Shut the fuck up