Hi everyone! :) (yes I'm alive)
[sorry if you've read this already. This is just a repost because I saw loads of typos and had to fix them haha]
I know I've been MIA for like well over a year now and I apologise profusely. But I have exciting news and I'd like you all to bare with me just once more. So since last summer I've been trying to develop an idea but I just never had an ending, and that's an issue you've probably noticed I have with a lot of my stories. But I have one and I'm currently in the process of writing but I'd like to finish it before uploading it for you all to read so that I don't disappoint once again. I don't want to give to much away but I hope that you guys will enjoy it when I finally finish.
Secondly, I will still be writing the other uncompleted stories that are on here so also bare with for that because the new one is the one I'm focused on most right now, so anyone reading: I apologise again.
Finally, I'm thinking of starting a new account to replace this one, rebrand myself even so I'll let you all know if and when I do.
Sorry for the extremely long message, hope you guys are doing great and if you're not having a good day or are struggling with something I'm sorry about that and I hope things get better for you very soon. The hurdles you face are just that, hurdles before you reach the finish line and something amazing happens.
Albert Einstein once said: 'life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving'