
I just want to say, Author, you are an extremely gifted and talented writer. When you wrote that one-shot about 9/11, it made me cry. I know what if feels like to lose someone you love. I may be fifteen but the day I lost the love of my life, destroyed me. She was my everything and she died. If felt like I lost half of myself when she died. So I appreciate you depicting that in your writing, the feeling of finality yet closure. It is appreciated more than you know.


I got so impatient after chapter 37 so I read the rest on archive of our own
          Girl!!! I knew that bitch was psycho
          I actually wanted to scream at you when one of them died but it actually turned out to be just a dream. It's like you wanted to give us a heart attack or something
          But you're a great author though
          And I actually love all your works
          You just know how to give us a piece of everything; romance drama suspense tragedy everything in one book.
          I'm actually your biggest fan 


this message may be offensive
@artemis_129 It took me FOREVER to figure out how to get to my feed, lmao. I was like "HOW DO I REPLY AND SAY THANK YOU!?!" So...seriously thank you. I know the updates here are slowgoing. I'm seriously suspicious of Wattpad and don't trust them when it comes to copyright, but I know people read here and I don't want to deprive them. That's why I gave everyone the option of AO3 and fanfic. I trust those sites more. 
            Yeah, she was psycho and a half. And those death scenes were hard AF to write. Hard AF to edit. Just...hard AF in general. You're always welcome to scream at me. I do that on a daily basis. 
            Thank you so much for the feedback and for being a fan. I talk so much shit to myself it's not even funny. I really love it when people reach out. I do my very best to give my all. And it means a lot when people appreciate it. 
            Thank you for being my biggest fan.


Love all your work and can’t wait for the next chapter of Infatuation on fanfic. Will you be writing another Emison book afterwards? I hope you do as you’re writing is great! 


@nichollsr You are too nice to me. I'm not sure if I will be writing any more fics. I always think every fic is the last one and then my brain is like, "HAHA, NOPE BITCH HERE'S ANOTHER!"


Are you going to write a new emison story I love all you’re books. I’ll love to read another one of your books. 


            I've actually already started it on Fanfiction. It's called "Infatuation". User name is the same Forever Without Him. I don't know how long it will take me to format it to get it here. You're welcome to start it there if you'd like. Guest reviews are enabled. You can find information on it on Twitter user ForeverW_outHim.


I've read everything you post or publish that I can find. I just finished reading the first couple chapters of your newest story you posted tapestry of scars. I had to make sure that I took some time to let you know that I just adore your writing. I check for updates religiously. I sincerely hope that you continue to write and post. You certainly have a gift. Your stories are better than entire series I've read by best selling authors. I look forward to each and every one you put out. I don't know what you do for a living, but if it isn't writing....then it's an injustice in this world. Keep doing what you do and I'll look forward to reading every bit of it. 


this message may be offensive
@alid1223 I somehow never saw this message, and I know I'm a year and a few months late in the reply. But I wanted to take the time to thank you for your kind words. I struggle with my inner critic a lot, and I sometimes convince myself to give up writing, but then I come across something like your message and I can't help but feel in awe of the people who take the time to read my work. Your support means the world. I'm so sorry that I never saw this. I so rarely click on my conversations page. I am such shit at navigating this website. Thanks again for everything. I hope you're staying well in this pandemic.


Hi can you please read and promote my new story : New Start.
          Sorry for the spam but i really want the 100 read this week x
          I will promote your story to in one of my chapters❤


@xEmisonBabess Just wanted to wish you luck in your story. I just now came across this message. I'm so sorry I didn't see it sooner!


Can you promote my story? And read it, i love your storys btw x


@xEmisonStorys First of all, thanks so much for reading!! As far as reading, I'm actually pretty crappy when it comes to sitting still and focusing to read. I can stare at a screen and write all day long, but when it comes to reading I'm that person who will read the same sentence over and over again for like 5 hours and not get anywhere because I keep getting distracted. But if I do every find myself in a reading mood I will definitely look up your work!