
If I told you what I was,
          Would you turn your back on me?
          And if I seem dangerous,
          Would you be scared?
          I get the feeling just because
          Everything I touch isn't dark enough
          That this problem lies in me
          I'm only a man with a candle to guide me,
          I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me.
          A monster, a monster,
          I've turned into a monster,
          A monster, a monster,
          And it keeps getting stronger.


Oh wow xD I was listening music and I thought to myself "The next ID song that comes on I'm gonna post on your profile" and that turned out great cause now I have a new friend :D.
            And anytime!!:) You're going to have to update soon though;)


@SMilEyWriTEr_xD. You guessed magnificently!  Monster is one of my favorite songs. Friends we are because of your awesome guessing. Oh and thanks for the vote and comment I greatly appreciate it!