
Looking for recommendations of all genres, if anyone has a work they rlly love i'd love to check it out or promote your own works if you want❤✨


@Butterfly15Queen Ofc, I loved it. Thx so much for the wonderful recommendation!!


@Forever_Disconnected  thank u so much.  Means a lot!  ❤


Scroll down A LOT 
          Trust me this will put a smile on your face 
          Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep 
          At least 15 people in the world love you
           The only reason someone would ever hate you is because they want to be like you
           There are at least two people in the world that would die for you
           You mean the world to someone 
          Someone that you don’t know exists loves you 
          When you might make the biggest mistake ever, something good will come out of it 
          When you think the world has its back on you, take a look 
          Always remember that compliments you’ve received
          Forget the rude remarks 
          So if you’re  a loving friend, send this to 15 people including the person who sent this to you ( me )
           Tonight at midnight, your true love will realise they like you 
          Something good will happen to you between 12 in the morning and 4 o’clock PM, tomorrow 
          It could be anything. Get ready for the biggest shark in your life 
          If you break the chain, you will be cursed with relationship problems for the next years send. Send this to 15 people
           Please make somebody else’ day! Help get a smile on someone’s face! Help someone out! Remember you are loved!
          =fight for you 
          =respect you 
          =involve you
          =encourage you 
          =need you 
          =deserve you 
          =save you
          Send this to all your friends and me if I am one. If you get 4 back you are liked but if you get 7 back you are loved. No groups


Looking for recommendations of all genres, if anyone has a work they rlly love i'd love to check it out or promote your own works if you want❤✨


@Butterfly15Queen Ofc, I loved it. Thx so much for the wonderful recommendation!!


@Forever_Disconnected  thank u so much.  Means a lot!  ❤


Hello beautiful person( ◕‿‿◕。)づ
          Just here to let you know, that you are amazing. I hope you had atleast one reason to smile today, and will have even more tomorrow. 
          In case nobody told you today, 'YOU ARE LOVED'
          hope you'll have a good day/night ahead ♡


@spilledpill omg, thank you!! This is so late, but the same goes for you❤❤ :)


omg ofc, tysm for the follow too


@Forever_Disconnected omg you toooo!!! ❤️❤️


So I've been on it for a while...kinda still figuring them out, bht I'm on inkitt and ao3 for thkse who use it. I havent uploaded any stories yet, I'm kinda working on it.
          Usernames are the same as the one I have on here.


I uploaded my short stories on there. Im going to start working on a book there too. Idk if its gonna be exclusive or not tho


╔═════ •·.·⋆.*⋆ ♛⋆.*⋆·.·• ═════╗
                               Here's a bit of love for you:
          I hope you have a lovely day/night! Slay the rest of the week and make sure you don't overwork yourself k?
          ╚═════ •·.·⋆.*⋆ ♛⋆.*⋆·.·• ═════╝


@Taestykookiesss aww thx!! This hecka late, but right back at you!!