
@longliveryder HOLLA RYDER MA MAIN HOMMIE! okay.. no that was just beyond embarrassing:') hehe nothing much I'm meant to be revising for exams but I'm procrastinating on here instead:P Chuckling at your background:D How are you anyway? Partying it up for Katie's bday bash:D sorry for my slowness, I'm still getting used to wattpad! xo


@longliveryder HOLLA RYDER MA MAIN HOMMIE! okay.. no that was just beyond embarrassing:') hehe nothing much I'm meant to be revising for exams but I'm procrastinating on here instead:P Chuckling at your background:D How are you anyway? Partying it up for Katie's bday bash:D sorry for my slowness, I'm still getting used to wattpad! xo


Yes me too! It’s cool though so now I can still communicate with all my internet buddies! 
          Was I really EVERWHERE? Hmm…I guess I was pretty active on booksie. That place was like my virtual home. I’m glad that I came out as a nice person!! Oh I’m all in for chatting. If I REALLY like someone they won’t be able to get me to shut-up. 
          So if you Love my loves does that mean you like Nerd glasses?! Sweet! I’m also a huge Ke$ha fan, you? Oh yeah that’s probably a wise thing to do on your part and If you didn’t know it really doesn’t matter. It’s not like anyone owns these usernames. I was thinking of going by Burning_Heart16, but I decided I’m kind of in love with my own. 
          No you didn’t annoy me at all. I’m the talking type of girl!