
Actually planning to make a come back soon with the crossovers and fanfics. So sorry x- x


It has been a long time since my last update and I apologize sincerely! Hopefully I can get back to writing much more frequently after my exams have ended. 
          I've posted an update on my last chapter of "The days with The Doctor", any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
          Thank you for being so patient!


For anyone who has read my fanfiction, "The Days With The Doctor",
          I'd like to get an honest opinion. Would it be better if I wrote the chapters in third person? Really would mean a lot to me if someone got back to me on this one. Thank you again.


@vornyworny Thank you for the advice. What you've said is why I've been considering changing things a bit.


@ForgottenDroid the best thing is to try and see how it reads. One of the advantages of  third person narrative is that the narrator can be anyone and sees all.  This sometimes allows  a little more depth and texture in writing, it depends.Dabble offline and see what suits you.