
Hey guys,
          	So if anyone's interested, I've made a tumblr. If you feel like it, feel free to give me a follow on there. :)
          	*Warning* I've got music set to play when the blog opens. so if you're in a quiet area you might want to mute your volume now.


Bless you if you've made it this far. Please let me know if you'd be interested in reading any of these! :)
          Potential Future Fanfics:
          Lord of the Rings: Legolas/OC
          (Yes, I know,  but I've been working this idea off and on for several years now to make it as unique and non Mary-Sue as possible) OC is a character from Legolas' past, pre-Hobbit. The story would take place pre-Hobbit, touch on parts of the Hobbit, but would mostly focus on Lord of the Rings, and potentially a little after.
          Marvel: Captain America (Steve Rogers)/OC
          This one would be a Thor's sister (but not how you might originally think) and Steve Rogers fanfic, starting with the Avengers, and continuing so forth until possibly Avengers: Infinity War.
          Reign: Sebastian(Bash)/OC
          I've recently gotten into Reign and as historically inaccurate as it is, I have a soft spot for the characters, particularly Bash. Side note, this would NOT be a "Mary's sister" fic. I've been doing a lot of historical research for this one, and hopefully it will pay off.
          Teen Wolf: Derek Hale/OC
          The OC in this one is from Derek's past prior to the show, and is also Scott's cousin. The plot would start in Season 1 and continue through at least Season 4, and may reference some events in Seasons 5 and 6.
          Chicago Fire: Kelly Severide/OC
          I don't have too much planned for this story yet, but I've got a rough idea. The OC is Herrmann's niece. The plot would start in Season 1 and continue throughout the following seasons.
          Law and Order: SVU: Rafael Barba/OC
          This is my most recent idea. Unfortunately, I don't have much planned at this point, but I've got a few good ideas that are hopefully enough to start cooking up something good. The OC is Sonny Carisi's sister.
          Hunger Games: OC/OC
          Too many details would spoil this one. But since this would be evident from the first chapter anyways, this is the story of how Finnick Odair's parents met and so forth.
          FINALLY, I have a rough idea for a sequel to my Aro/OC story: The Siren's Song.


Soooo, hey, you reading this, personal shout out to you for checking this out! :)
          Anywho (lol) in my (several years) hiatus, I believe I have grown as a writer. In addition to this, my interests have also developed.
          That being said, I have had several new fanfiction ideas brewing for quite a while now. Some of these "ideas" have already been written partially, and I have one's plot line planned out to a near-perfect chapter-by-chapter basis.
          I really want to get back into my writing. I do not know if I could update on a weekly-by-weekly basis (college is kicking my ass), BUT, I think a bi-weekly fanfiction chapter posting is a very serious possibility. I can not promise ultimate speediness right now in terms of updating a story (I'd hate to go back on my word), so I'm trying to be as realistic as possible.
          So, I'm just gonna list my ideas for future potential fanfictions (which I would like to write all of these at some point in my life, I guess this may just help me determine priority) here and if any of you guys have some sort of preference or you'd be interested in reading any of these please let me know, and I will take your opinions into serious consideration when deciding which one I should focus the majority of my attention on.
          I'm worried about word-count once again, so I'm going to post a final post with the fanfic ideas and brief (but non-spoiling) descriptions.
          Anyone still interested, I'll see ya there!


Hey everyone, so I know it's very late, and I apologize.
          I'm also sorry for the semi-false alarm about the revival of my MCR stories (Look at them, constantly yanking our chains). While I have not completely disregarded the idea, I am not sure I have the  motivation in me right now to make them the best that they could be.
          That being said, I am not 100% opposed to collaborating with anyone interested and passionate enough for any of those stories (including Skylines and Turnstiles, We're Not Afraid to Keep On Living, Guilty Until Proven Innocent, etc.) unless they are one-shots or completed.
          If someone is passionate enough about the stories and could do them the justice that I cannot right now, I would be willing to work something out. I could give the willing writers my ideas for where I was going to take the story, and they could brainstorm off of those ideas, or they could give a proposal of their idea(s) to me.
          I am not so arrogant as to think that followers of these stories are not a large percentage of my followers today, and I want to acknowledge that. It is because of you guys that I want to keep these stories alive in any way I can, so that you are able to read and enjoy them.
          SOOO, long story short, if you are interested in possibly writing/collaborating with me on my MCR stories, please feel free to contact me and I can see if we can work something out. We can talk specifics if anyone is interested, but you'd receive some kind of publicly acknowledged credit for your work.
          Now that I've addressed the elephant(s) in the room, there are I few other things I'd like to discuss (assuming anyone is still interested in reading this post at this point) ( Shout out to those who are still here! :) )
          I'm about to run out of words for this post, so I'm going to start a new one. If you are interested in my writing beyond my MCR fanfictions, or simply curious, I would be honored if you could take the time to look at my next post for more information. :)