
Guess who forgot their wattpad password for 2 months and spent forever trying to recover their account


Hi everyone so i was going through some of my old books (all the old ones i wrote are private) and i noticed one of my followers @Echofrost5 has been following me since my good ol' Dream SMP days like back in 2021 so shout out to you <3
          anyway ive had more motivation to come back and write and i have about 3 projects almost ready to be published so be PREPARED for my return after a whopping 3 years of inactivity :)


Sorry guys i said i would start posting again a few months ago but my boyfriend broke up with me so i had to take a break for a bit because i had no motivation to do anything but as of now im doing a lot better and im super excited for marching season. 
          Anyway, except more updates coming within the next few weeks and perhaps maybe even a new book *insert wink emoji*