UPDATE PLEASE READ: What's up dudes and homies sorry for never updating any of my books *sweats heavily and nervously* So the reason for absence is that I'm in Japan so I legit have no Wi-Fi unless I come to the grocery store near my apartment and yeah. So hopefully next month I'll have Wi-Fi so I can start writing stuff on here and finishing books that I have started. Also I have been on my other account and been writing books there too. Mostly because I have only been in that account then who time I was gone. Fear not though I will write in a notebook new chapters for the books on here. If you want to see my other profile which currently has ITS fanfic on it then my username is: @SugaalwaysinmyTae there I write mostly BTS fanfics cause I am also a fanboy of those 7 dorks too. I also wanted to say thank you so much for reading my books I have on here and continuing to support my work. I really appreciate as it guys. Wiesenthal for reading this little update I will hopefully have a new chapter up on him this account next month. Love you guys!
Hey hey apologise on how I said I would update like two days ago but SADLY I fell ill so today I will work SO FUCKING HARD ON I CAN'T BREATHE THAT MY FINGERS WILL HATE ME. Also btw the chapter is so far like over 1000 words sooooooo yeah.
What's up my CRANKY CREW XD (no just no) anyways so I just updated Mute and I would love it if ya'll check out my Phan story called We Are Fools *even though there only a warning page....* anyways it deals with disease shut up.