
          	Thanks! Means a lot to me!
          	Also, the Birth of Silence sounds awesome! I'll start working on editing what I have post-haste, once I have time anyway.


@Phooka Most large towns got rid of the practice long ago, but I live in one of those tiny little towns where everyone knows everyone else and almost no-one bothers to speak English, although we have to teach the children both English and Swedish, and Year Walking is a big tradition here. We do have a random drawing as opposed to the normal thing where the people choose to go of their own accord.
          Anyway, the children loved the bits of story I wrote and it was fun to tell them because of their reactions to suspense and whatnot. 


@Forsinain42 I thought that Year Walking was a dead practice! That's awesome, whether or not it's for show or really, actually, practiced. Also, on an unrelated note, it sounds like you look like my brother. 
          And have no fear. I don't paste stereotypes of people to the places they're from. I live in Canada, but I'm not pale, there is not an excess of beer and maple syrup, and I do not say "eh" at the end of my sentences. Anyway, have a nice day! 


I was being serious. I had to go out in the forest and there's actually a guy who takes in the Year Walkers and has wifi. Apperantly it's all for show in my town... Wish they were serious like the people in my friend's town, where people go if they want or need to, as a soul searching instead of just coming up with old hat to tell the children.


@Forsinain42 WAIT WHAT HOLD ON you left a message on my Message Board Place that said you got picked for your town's Year Walk and as I am incredibly gullible, I don't know if your town ACTUALLY HAS A YEAR WALK THING or if you're simply being an Awesome Joke Person. 
          Please clarify.  


I don't think I shall. My town actually has a bit of a tradition, we send out a person every year to do a Year Walk, and they always come up with these crazy stories abou how they got lost and saw the weddings of people who weren't born yet or watched a Brook Horse fight a Nøkken, so I kind-of tried to replicate those crazy claims.