Hey y’all!! Kay, so I was stuck in the car, driving for nine hours yesterday, and I bought a notebook a few days earlier. I didn’t know what to write in that notebook, but I figured it out in the car. I’m gonna be posting a new story soon, titled, “Your’s Truly (Midas x Meowscles)”, and I’m already super hyped about it. I’ve already started the story, I’m about two chapters in, and I’ll be posting as I’m writing, and not after I’m done, so my schedule might be changing a little. The book is written in journal entries, similar to a book that will be coming out in the future, so stay tuned for that. The chapters will be a lot shorter, but I plan to make the book long, at the least fifty chapters. Okay, sorry for rambling, but there’s that, so stay tuned, and read “Your’s Truly (Midas x Meowscles)”!