
I haven't been back here in a while and noticed the new ranking system. I have 1 story in top 10 and 2 in top 3-5, thank you guys so much :D


Hello all
          So I consider this important enough to write in an announcement but take it as you will.
          I am no longer shipping Achievement Hunter, or any real people for that matter. I will likely still write AH stories, but they won't be shipped anymore. I may write anime stories with shipping in them, but real people is out of the question. This is my final decision and I apologize if I upset anyone in anyway with it.
          If you feel like un-following me for whatever reason I totally understand, but like I said, I will likely still be writing achievement hunter, just no fluff or smut from here on out. The stories I have already posted with smut and fluff will stay up so don't worry about that!
          Thank you for following me for anyone that has, for as long as you have, and thank you if you stay, even if i don't post much at all I really do appreciate it, and I haven't given up writing, not yet ^^


Hmm...I feel like, wattpad has kinda fallen in the ranks of writing websites, and I have been thinking about quitting and ONLY writing on Archiveofourown. 
          I most wanna ask you guys what you think I should do. I mean you are all probably gonna say 'noo dont leave!' But im not gonna stop writing, just move to a new website (which i have already written quite a few things on)
          I dont know, if you wanna find my other account on Archiveofourown here 
          name is Foullily like it is here (maybe even write in Dragon Academy AHOT6, i am posting that there too.)
          Anyway, I would like to hear your opinions about this


i dont know if i said this before, and i cant be stuffed reading back through my posts, BUT if i did say it once i'll say it again
          I am no longer doing The Creatures fanficton
          I am sticking to RoosterTeeth/Achievement Hunter stuff because i no longer watch the creatures. 
          If you are here just for that, and want to unfollow go ahead, this is just letting people no so i dont get an army of upset/confused readers


I know ive been away for a while, and anyone who read my last post knows why. I havent really gone up in my health, opposite actually but meh, you dont need to know my lifes story xP
          Im doing ok emotionally so im thinking about trying to get back into writing, but if i do, updates until im able are going to be scarce and slow, but i will hopefully get something done xP
          Sorry for my long absence and i hope i'll be writing normally again soon


@ThatPersonThatSaysHi Kinda, i mean, im trying at least, i took so much time off that im used to, or even like writing as much as i used to, so i have to try and get back into it


Hay guys, not dead :D
          I havent written anything, literally anything in a while becuz i've been having trouble with fighting Anorexia. Im still working on it so nothing will actually be published until i feel fit enough to do so, cuz i dont wanna do a half assed job xP
          So hopefully i can get back to writting ASAP :D