@LGBTQforever Look glenbaxter!
God is merciful
God is kind
Yes he/she is!(god does not have a gender in my opinion)
But why do you think he hates gays??
Oh because Bible told you??
The only thing i believe is god
I don't believe Bible or Quran or other holy books, do you know why??
Because there is a chance that some extreme (EXTREME) religious people may have changed them
Because come on! It's been over a thousand years
Are you seriously telling me nobody changed them??
I will follow what my heart says not some books who tells us to kill people just because they fell in love with a same sex
God is my religion
And if someday i die and if i was wrong then that's Ok
It's better than follow some book that i have doubt about it
And since you dislike gays and everything about them, you should have said it kindly
Well i hope god bless you too
You little ignorant!!