Hey y'all!!! Sooooo I know I've been vacant on this account and story and editing and I said to myself, "I need a fresh start!"
Soooooooooo what I am doing is all directing you to my second account Hopeless_Miracle which I get on more and post more than this one. I actually plan on rewriting Little Miss Rodeo Queen and Southern Romance completely (aaaaand maybe the Runaway series but idk that's really just a bad story but I see some people enjoy it I mean I look at it and think it's God awful but who knows)! After I get done with a story I've been writing for awhile and WHO KNOWS I may work on both at the same time if the circumstances allow me.
I'll still leave this account up but if you want to reach me or see LMRQ and the sequel actually go on, might I direct you to the account mentioned above.
I hope to see you all on the other side!!!!