
Hey guys! Do me a favor and check out my new story, 'The Great Love War of Lesser Antarctica'. It's a... pretty bizarre love story based on the card game Love Letter.


If you think you can trick me trick me, think again. And to anyone else who ever even dares to even think of scamming me in any way- know that you are wasting your time. I will figure out what is going on and I will not fall for it so go find some poor other pathetic creature to use your cheep tactics on. Just make sure you rember: what you are doing is wrong. Very wrong. Weither you're good at it or not, it's still wrong. If you can't earn followers honestly through hard work and good writing, why are you on this website? Leave Wattpad to the people who actually want to write, for fun or maybe, one day, for a living. Not to the people who just want to say that they have a lot of followers online. Good day, attention-seeking scum.


Be warned- I will continue to give follow-backs, but I will also continue to scan the list of people I'm following every Saturday. If you aren't following me and have nothing I want to read, I will unfollow you. I will not fall for these scams.


Now I get it. A bunch of pathetic fools who couldn't win followers with good writing so they had to go fishing for follow-backs. Well, I won't fall for your dumb tricks. I've gone through and unfollowed everyone who used me for a follow-back and immediately unfollowed me. To anyone who has been doing this- you should be ashamed of yourself. You have not earned your followers. You have tricked them. That's no way to be. I despise all of you. To people who do not do this- thank you for not being the scum of the Earth.


Wow, omg. thanks to all the people following me! I've gotten quite a few followers in the last few days and I'm really confused as to why 'cause I haven't been all too active recently but hey, thanks anyway! I'm starting up on a new story right now based on my cats, cats that belong to family members, cats I almost adopted, etc. I just posted the character list a few minutes ago. I'll probably get the first chapter published today or tomorrow. Please check it out!