
Finally started writing again :) I'm not sure how active I will be but I'll try my best. 


Hi :) A few months ago you commented to tell me not to take my story, Taking Me Away, down. Well, I've decided to continue writing and I've just posted a chapter. If you haven't given up on the story and would like to read it, please do give it a visit. Of course, I understand if you have already given up on it or too busy. That said, Happy New Year and have a great 2014 ahead!<3


._. I won? :O <3 over the moon but totally didn't expect it. No joke. Always came second in competitions, never first <3 so thank YOU for being my first!
          And thanks for becoming a fan :) like ShimmerLight, don't feel like you have to read my books and vote. It would be lovely if you did but in no way would I want you to be pressured to and I'd totally understand if you found them unbearable ^_^ hehe.
          Anyways, thanks for such an awesome opportunity to practice making covers and to compete :) 


I just want to say thanks for fanning me, and that you in no way have to read three of my books. You can read one or none, and pressuring you to vote on my books is not my intent either. You may do as you wish, but thanks for fan, it means a lot to me. [=