
Y'all...Into the Wild Heart has an AMAZING new cover incoming via @AngeBlancRose!! Please, please, PLEASE go check out her design shop. I'm literally in love with the cover she created for my ONC, and I hope the book does the design justice.


Y'all...Into the Wild Heart has an AMAZING new cover incoming via @AngeBlancRose!! Please, please, PLEASE go check out her design shop. I'm literally in love with the cover she created for my ONC, and I hope the book does the design justice.


The party's officially ON!  I'm beyond excited to announce that #EVENT 3: the Readers' Choice ONC Awards is LIVE! ╰(*°▽°*)╯ This is your chance to shine, ONC authors!  It's time to unleash your stories upon the world and see how they stack up against the competition. But remember, it's all about healthy competition and celebrating each other's amazing work! Let's lift each other up and make this a super supportive event. 
          And hey, just a friendly reminder that #EVENT 1: WATTPAD BINGO and #EVENT 2: CRITIQUE SWAP are also up and running!  So, if you're looking for even MORE ways to get involved in the ONC fun, you can totally hop in on those too!  Want to participate in all three events? Go for it!  Just want to do the Bingo and the Critique Swap? Awesome!  Only interested in the Readers' Choice Awards?  That's cool too!  The choice is yours!
          But here's the deal: to join the party (any of the parties!), you gotta be a member of the Promotion Room.  Think of it as the ultimate writers' clubhouse – it's where all the cool stuff happens! So, what are you waiting for? Join the Promotion Room and let the games begin!  Let's celebrate some amazing stories and amazing writers! ✨
          Not an ONC participant but still want to be part of the action? No worries! We're always looking for enthusiastic readers to join our Beta Reader Squad.  Help ONC writers polish their gems and then cast your votes in the Readers' Choice Awards. Get your own books recognised and a place in my library and reading list with complementary comments and votes. It's a win-win!  So, whether you're an ONC author ready to shine, a dedicated reader eager to discover new favorites, or both, hop on in! The Promotion Room is waiting for you! ✨


I was surprised when the notification told me you had dedicated a chapter to me! However, I wasn't a reader of that particular story, so I'm unsure as to whether it was a mistake, or just a form of showing appreciation to your followers. If the latter, thanks so much! I'll take a peek into that story when time allows me.


@PriscilaGibertEng ohh!!! I'll go check it out!!


@FoxLock34  Well, then thanks a lot again! I'm loving both of the stories I'm following of yours (still haven't checked the third one you presented to the ONC). I just got around to publishing the first chapter of my entry to the ONC yesterday, and it was over 2K so I could already send the form to the contest. Yay! I wish you all the best with your stories, and I'll keep an eye out for updates!


@PriscilaGibertEng Definitely a way of showing appreciation!! You showed me support on my ONCs, and this is just a little way of me giving back. <3


Lord help me. I apologize to my readers. This is something so out of left field, especially for me. 
          But a dino-shifter romance??? Who WOULDN'T want to read that??


@FoxLock34 Shall definitely give it a read when I get the chance. And eh never hurts to take a chance with something new and see if it sticks! Who knows, you might have something awesome going here


@mahihkan-awa iiiitttt definitely is... I'm excited and worried at the same time XD 