
Because my school play won first place in CETA (California Education Theater Arts) Program (At least in the area), My school got to repreform it's school play. I am in this school play, and as a freshman, it is a big deal because I am one of the only three freshman that got to do this. This was an overnight trip and took an entire weekend. (I GOT TO SKIP SCHOOL HEHEHE). On the last day of CETA, which was sunday, I got to see something called the festival of scenes. Which is where all of the second place and third place winners get to perform one scene of their entire play. I, A Small Strawberry, ended up with a crush from watching a girl play Jack from Lord of The Flies. I ended up researching this whole book/play because of her. I saw this girl after the whole event was done. She was standing really close to me, alone and trying to find he school. Her outfit was AMAZING!! I really wanted to talk to her, but I got scared and didn't. It stressed me out for a whole week to figure out who she is. Then I got an idea to look at one of the playbills that got handed out to us, I find out that she is from one of our school's rivals. Greaaattt. Not only that, she lives 2 hours away, (The she goes to school ofc, I ain't a stalker) and I don't think I can EVER see her again. It pains me, because I had the opportunity to talk to her, but I became a pussy and backed out. She doesn't even know that I exist...


My friends keep telling me to forget about her. The thing is, I don't want to. I just wish I can see her again... At least once...


To add on to this, she is around my age, and is not some celebrity. The funny thing is I couldn't tell if she was a boy or girl. I don't care either way.


Because my school play won first place in CETA (California Education Theater Arts) Program (At least in the area), My school got to repreform it's school play. I am in this school play, and as a freshman, it is a big deal because I am one of the only three freshman that got to do this. This was an overnight trip and took an entire weekend. (I GOT TO SKIP SCHOOL HEHEHE). On the last day of CETA, which was sunday, I got to see something called the festival of scenes. Which is where all of the second place and third place winners get to perform one scene of their entire play. I, A Small Strawberry, ended up with a crush from watching a girl play Jack from Lord of The Flies. I ended up researching this whole book/play because of her. I saw this girl after the whole event was done. She was standing really close to me, alone and trying to find he school. Her outfit was AMAZING!! I really wanted to talk to her, but I got scared and didn't. It stressed me out for a whole week to figure out who she is. Then I got an idea to look at one of the playbills that got handed out to us, I find out that she is from one of our school's rivals. Greaaattt. Not only that, she lives 2 hours away, (The she goes to school ofc, I ain't a stalker) and I don't think I can EVER see her again. It pains me, because I had the opportunity to talk to her, but I became a pussy and backed out. She doesn't even know that I exist...


My friends keep telling me to forget about her. The thing is, I don't want to. I just wish I can see her again... At least once...


To add on to this, she is around my age, and is not some celebrity. The funny thing is I couldn't tell if she was a boy or girl. I don't care either way.


Have you ever gotten those weird chain mails where it always says to send it to 15 or 40 people or else “you are not loved and will have bad luck for the rest of your life”?  I get those allll the time. I used to do them and it never worked. I just got like 5 of them lol.


@Foxgirl29412 yeah I never did them cuz I thought it was bs but idk lol


Hey love!! Just checking up on you! <3
          Are you doing okay? Is everything alright? Oh, do you want a shoutout?
          Message me back,
          -Kitty Kat


@Foxgirl29412 urgh, I know what you mean. Dw abt it!! Take care of your irl stuff first :3 THANK YOU NEHEHE!! Oooh when’s your birthday then? :D
            Wb that shoutout?


Aww thank you! Sorry lol, school work is a butt lol. Especially when it is Honors Classes. Also happy birthday!! EEEEEKKK We are twining in age!!(At least for a couple of months :) ) *insert sparkles*


this message may be offensive
So, someone asked me if I was happy with the outcome of my 2024. To be honest, it was interesting. I lost 5 friends, people who I sacrificed so much shit for. I met someone, we dated shortly but broke up. The good thing is we still talk. I have worked hard in my classes, and got the grades that I wanted. I traveled to places I dreamed of going. 
          I learned self confidence, I learned that I don’t always need to be a people pleaser and always say yes to what people want. I learned to set boundaries for myself and speaking up when it gets uncomfortable. I now understand that friendships and lovers come and go. I learned that you should not define yourself by what others think, and that their opinions on how they feel about me should not affect how I see me.
          So, Happy New Year everyone!! I hope you had a wonderful 2024!!! See you next year!
          - Strawberry


@dockat12 My goodness!! You are the sweetest  I hope you have a wonderful and crazy fun 2025!!


@Foxgirl29412 happy new year ml!!! Sounds like it’s been a lot of growing for you, I hope this year brings even more joy and growth :)


Hi little dearest!!
          Do you want to talk about anything? Or a hug?
          I’m open <3


Awww thank you so much!! My life is kinda tiring right now, stressed about my honors classes despite finishing finals and on break. I constantly feel exhausted but feel lazy at the same time. But it’s always like that so don’t worry about me, I’m okay lol. Thanks for checking in on me!!