What if? Is up. Sorry for the short part, It was all I could come up with while balancing some other works/essays for contests and school. Once finals are over, updates will be regular since I'll actually have time :D so yeah enjoy!! <3
What If? You posted the story soon.... Sorry if this sounds rude... I've just been expecting this book for a while and you keep saying you'll put it up but then something comes up...
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYBODY!! So today I'm very very VERY thankful for every single one of you that has supported my stories from the start. Thank you so much for always being here for me and each other. I love you all so much. Thank you <3
@Madnessinharmony So sorry for the SUPER late reply! But What if? needed to be rewritten so that it flows better and all that such. So it will be posted tomorrow c;
Why'd you delete What If?!?!?!??! I'm literally crying! That was my favorite story please tell me this is a joke or back it up or something this isn't fair. My heart hurts and so do my eyes from crying so much please tell me this isn't real?!?!?!?!?!?!????!????????!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!??
@asa_the_whoovian Both stories (Insanity and What if?) will be updated this friday. sorry for the delay. School gets I the way with my writing especially now with finals coming up, so hope you understand. Sorry!! But it is all ready and done it just needs to be edited by Friday so stay tuned
@bring_me_bvb I'm so sorry but that story didn't do much for me and it didn't live up to my expectations. What if? will be re-written soon so I can make it better. Plus, time management and other story things were out of whack. I will be re-posting it here soon this month just when I get Insanity up and going. I'm glad to hear that it was your favorite fanfic though! :D Thank you <3 xx