
this message may be offensive
I keep thinking of posting something here, or maybe on ao3, but then I pussy out because I'm an idiot and I'll never stop worrying about it 
          	I have bucketloads of fanfiction in my notes app, and a lot of it is unfinished, and teechnically I could post at least fifteen complete oneshots but I just... Arghhhgghghgg.
          	Fuck anxiety man 


this message may be offensive
I keep thinking of posting something here, or maybe on ao3, but then I pussy out because I'm an idiot and I'll never stop worrying about it 
          I have bucketloads of fanfiction in my notes app, and a lot of it is unfinished, and teechnically I could post at least fifteen complete oneshots but I just... Arghhhgghghgg.
          Fuck anxiety man