You have no idea how much I cried reading pancakes. Usually I’d read some bl books with internalized homophobia and a lot of angst or the cliche family physical abuse, but I didn’t get that, in return I got one of the most wholesome reads I’ve had in a while. I loved reading every second and how truly healthy Axel and jay’s relationship is. That’s how I wish relationships were in fiction and I’m glad I found this read. It was really well written, though people said that the basketball stuff was unrealistic, I don’t know anything about basketball but I didn’t care. This was a book that was constructed very well and I’m sad to have finished it so soon. I hope to read more on the other couples if you ever decide to write about them in the future, or even a next generation story of their kids finding love. Anyway with all that being said I give this book a 10/10