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Mortal Kombat 1, Reptile.
"I used to spend every Friday at a local pizzareia that had an MK cabinet, and a Willow cabinet, of all things. I was only 12 or 13 then, but already the neighborhood hero. One day got the flawless victory with sub zero on the pit, and all of a sudden reptile drops us down. Mad crowd gathers, people coming in from outside, maybe 15-20 people but it felt like a million. I lost the first round, start to jump around and stuff, everyone cheering me on, 20 year old guys smoking cigarettes and shit. I get the second round. Store owner literally asks what's going on? Everyone is hype now, wants me to win so bad, what's going to happen if I win? World peace? Fame and fortune? I barely win the third, and now I'm getting props, mad props from everyone. Then its like here is 10 million points. Great, thx. Nonetheless, to this day people around the neighborhood will mention this occurrence once in a while when we get together."
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