
Hello! I don't know if people do actually look at these and from what I know of, there's only one person that is reading the writing that I had written, which is called, "Times Up". Please do leave comments on the chapters or on my feed in asking questions about what's going to happen or whatever you guys want to say. It is deeply appreciated if you do so. I also apologise for not updating, which is supposedly on Friday and Sunday every week. I am going to try and post 2 chapters for today, maybe 3. So thank you for reading my writing and this post. 再见!lol


Hey guys! So this is my other account: fraloolical. And I will be uploading the chapters on here once again as I have been locked out of my account and I don’t have access to the email address that I have used. I will try and upload the chapters tomorrow afternoon in NZT+ or maybe later in a few hours as I still have to finalise everything that I have written with the story on this account. I apologise for this inconvenience


Hello! I don't know if people do actually look at these and from what I know of, there's only one person that is reading the writing that I had written, which is called, "Times Up". Please do leave comments on the chapters or on my feed in asking questions about what's going to happen or whatever you guys want to say. It is deeply appreciated if you do so. I also apologise for not updating, which is supposedly on Friday and Sunday every week. I am going to try and post 2 chapters for today, maybe 3. So thank you for reading my writing and this post. 再见!lol